Sunday, December 10, 2017

This week was a week of miracles! We chose themes for each of my last 6 weeks, and this week was The Church is True, the Book is Blue. We based all our finding on the Book of Mormon. We were able to give copies to Oscar, Thomas, David, Jenny, Tiffany, Mandy, Hellen, Cecelia, Kimberly, Kathy, Annie, Chloe, Kathy, and Candy. And we organized a district finding and other missionaries gave out 4 copies. It was such a joyful experience speaking to people about this book. The words seemed to fly from my heart to the air, and I felt so much peace. The words don't have to pass through my brain as much as my Cantonese improves, and I have an inner peace about my purpose. My purpose as a missionary is to yield to the Spirit and just open my mouth. When the words make it into the air, the testimony and Spirit is there, and then it is in the hearers' hands. Sometimes the hearer doesn't even want to hear, but sometimes they have been listening for a long time. Cecelia and Kimberly were such examples. We met them on the street. My amazing amazing companion Sister Johnson was walking nearest to them, and asked them if they had any brothers and sisters. It was different than the "Golden Questions" I usually ask, and so I was hoping the girls' interest would spark and they'd want to talk to us. Then immediately I felt a warm peace come over me stemming from the trust and love I have for Sister Johnson. She is so hardworking and so inviting of the Spirit. I feel like her heart is a shelter. Like, I can't adequately explain it, but she lets Heavenly Father widen her vision, love, and capacity to serve. And then her testimony becomes like a shelter for anyone who needs it. Her charity is immediate and already radiating, and if you are lucky enough to walk into her bubble of light, you feel drawn to the Savior. She is a true disciple.
So anyway, after I was humbled in that way,Cecelia and Kimberly did respond well! They talked about their families a bit, and Kimberly said she was looking for a church! She asked if it was near. Cecelia wasn't very interested, but she was with her friend, and besides, her friend said she's super dakhaahn. (free) So, we walked together to the church right then and there! And had a lesson! Guys, that doesn't happen very often! 
We connected right away. Even if their teenage lingo and fast talking was a little hard to understand. We talked about our missionary purpose, and their understanding of God. Cecelia shared that she felt like she couldn't get close to God. She was hesitant to share why, so I shared Ether 12:27 and testified of its truth. I said I was thankful that God gave me a new start to every day. She said she wanted that, but felt like she had to apologize to God and other people. Yes! I said. That's called repentance. So we talked about repentance and she shared that one time she stole books as a kid, and felt guilty, and the store is no longer in existence. I just hugged her and she cried and we scheduled another time to meet. I told her to pray and I would pray and we'd talk about it on Saturday. On Saturday she said she didn't want her guilt to stop her from getting to know God. She said she felt so much better after confessing to me, and then we had a wonderful lesson on the Godhead and The Book of Mormon and bits of the plan of happiness. When Sister Johnson told her she is a daughter of God, you could see her countenance change. A spark of hope and familiarity and happiness. She is special. I know she is a daughter of God.
Kimberly and Cecelia both accepted a baptismal date for December 25th!
Yesterday, I found out an investigator from Pok Fu Lam, Tim Chan, also is getting baptized on December 24th!!! I LOVE the Chans. Tim and Ann are from China, and recently moved from Australia. Ann joined the church a few years ago, and Tim's family was baptized, but went less active right before he was born. But he still remembers hitting balls back and forth with Elders over the fence of his childhood home. Anyway, his story is so interesting. But no time! He is simply the kindest man in the world. He took me and a bunch of other sisters on a hike in October. It was complete with photo ops, lunch, an itinerary, and kind words of encouragement and appreciation. I never thought he'd get baptized that soon, because he was a tad stand offish about actually attending church. But I knew it would happen eventually. I texted them during dinner that day and they said they had just been thinking about me. They wanted to do my last P day together! They are seriously so nice. Today we are going to the Jumbo Floating Restaurant in Aberdeen to yam cha (to eat dim sum). I am so excited for their family!
Then yesterday was dear sweet Emma's baptismal service!!! Remember Emma? She showed up to church on October 1st, and she and her brother were our last investigators for that month we found 12. We went to an activity, taught her, and attended General Conference together. She didn't live in our area, so the Tsing Yi sisters taught her the rest. She invited us to the baptismal service and we were ecstatic. Her mom and brother came too, and I suspect they will be baptized soon. Afterward Emma shared her testimony. She mentioned attending church for the first time in Kwai Chung and loving the people there. They were welcoming and kind and willing to help. She also shared 1 Nephi 3:7 with everyone. I recently memorized that scripture in Cantonese, so it was really special to hear. It now feels familiar to me in a deeper way. I love Cantonese. Emma said that scripture was really meaningful for her. She is truly amazing and has such a strong testimony. 
We also had exchanges this week and I went to Butterfly Ward with Sister Webb. On Saturday morning we studied with the youth that have mission calls. Two girls both going to Hawaii on the same day, and 2 boys both going to Canada on the same day!! I did a sit faahn (role play) with the girls, and they taught me the Restoration in English, their mission language. It was neat to be on the other end of hearing people teach in their second language. I noticed incorrect pronunciations or awkward grammar, but it didn't matter. I felt the Spirit. I love hearing the lessons. It speaks to my heart that I would have accepted these truths even if I wasn't born into it. After, the girls humbly asked for how they could improve. I told them the thing that helped me most in the MTC. Instead of thinking about "What should I say?" Think "How would Jesus feel?" Then Heavenly Father blesses you with charity, and you invite the Spirit to teach the person, not just a lesson. It was so fun to see the girls diligently and quickly write What would Jesus Feel? in the front of their Preach My Gospels. Recently, I have really had a strong desire to teach in the MTC.We will see.
Sister Webb and I sang primary songs in companion study, and all the feelings from primary came flooding back. Friends, music, fun teachers, and just knowing things were true. Nothing else seemed to block what I was learning, and I took them in just like I did food and water. Of course Christ lived. Of course he loves me. Of course. 
  1. 2. I wonder, when he comes again,
    Will I be ready there
    To look upon his loving face
    And join with him in prayer?
    Each day I’ll try to do his will
    And let my light so shine
    That others seeing me may seek
    For greater light divine.
    Then, when that blessed day is here,
    He’ll love me and he’ll say,
    “You’ve served me well, my little child;
    Come unto my arms to stay.”

    I know Christ is a God of Miracles. Because he helped me learned Chinese. He helped me love the people I didn't want to love. Because he helped me understand the gospel joyfully. 
    I am thankful that in about 3 weeks I can hug my earthly dad, and stay. 
    I know that we can all be ready for that day. I know Jesus Christ can teach us how to pray. I am thankful Heavenly Father wants us back. This is all true. I hope we can listen to the Spirit's quiet promptings, confirming  "Of course." 
Douh Ji Muih

Only Begotten Son

This is my second to last P day email and I feel "Baat gam gaau jap" A hundred feelings combined in one.

This week we met Anita in the park while waiting for another investigator. She volunteers at the park cleaning and has lunch there every Wednesday to Friday. We chatted and explained our purpose here in Hong Kong. We asked if we could come back the next day, same time. So we came back two days in a row after that. The third time we brought a Book of Mormon, and she was so excited to read it. She kept flipping through and asking questions.  
We invited her to read and she said she could probably read at least half of the book! šŸ˜± Because she loves reading. We were like, "Oh! Wow, ya, great! You just call us if you have any questions!" I love love love testifying of The Book of Mormon in Cantonese.
We also met the coolest guy on the MTR last week named Stanley. He is from Nigeria, has lived here for 5 years, and speaks some Cantonese! We met with him on Saturday to talk about our beliefs. He is Christian and asked us the neatest questions like, "What motivates you to follow God? How do you study the Bible?" and then after our introduction of our favorite book...
"How do you know the Book of Mormon is true?"
Stanley quoted so many Bible scriptures, and I was so inspired by his love and study of it. One thing I loved was that he said "The Bible has about 40 men from different ages and cultures, that come together to tell one story, one direction and purpose. No other book is like that. It is from God."
I felt the Spirit so strongly talking with him. He was courteous and kind and just really devoted to God and Jesus Christ. It was really humbling. I was also really thankful for seminary and all the scripture masteries.
Mostly, I was just overcome with gratitude to be a Christian. There are so many good, good people. I am so thankful for the Bible. Lately I have been reading the gospels, especially the beginning of Christ's life. I love reading about the obedient, eager sheperds; Mary who pondered everything in her heart; the wise men who sacrificed much to see the Christ child; and the angels who brought "glad tidings of great joy."
A new investigator, Kelly (Yes the Buddhist one) met with us again this week. She literally calls us and literally things we are angels. hahahahhha But I was studying our missionary purpose this week and I realized how similiar are missions are with the people in the nativity story. We must be humble and prepared and believe and share the news like the sheperds. We must be meek and courageous and reverent like Mary. We must be studious and deliberate and longsuffering like the wise men. But most of all, we are here to "declare glad tidings of great joy!"
Something Sister Johnson and I also realized is that Christ's lineage is recorded in detail in the Bible, but it is Joseph's side of the family. And Joseph wasn't Christ's biological father. We wondered why Mary's was not. But it was cool to think about Joseph and adoption and the importance of a mother and father and families and prophecies of Christ.
Rose is doing well! We met with her and she told us she hadn't read the Book of Mormon because there are too many characters! hahhahha I know how you feel Rose! We read 2 nephi 31 together and set a new baptismal date for Chinese New Year. We told her she could start by just reading 5 verses a day. Her testimony is really growing, and now we are just helping her have the faith to act and really change.
I love Rose! I love our little flock in Kwai Chung. Everyone is doing so well and is so special and I will miss them SO much. I wish I could write about each one.
Also, last thing. I love John the Baptist. Reading about him is so inspiring and makes me want to repent. One Bible verse calls him "dayspring" or dawn. It is neat to think about that, because Jesus Christ is the Sun and Son. John understood 37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible." John's mission was 79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
I am grateful we still have prophets today to do that. There is so much light in my life, and I am thankful I know the source of it.
I don't have much time, but I just want to bare testimony that Christ lives. This scripture is true...
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

He loves you!

Monday, November 27, 2017

I'll Be Home for Christmas

We went to dinner with Tim and Ann at a fancy dim sum place and had the best goose I have ever had. Also, Tim and Ann are like my Hong Kong parents. They are so kind and love taking pictures of us and feeding us amazing food. I cannot wait for December 24th when Tim gets baptized!!!!
So our church is under renovation so we use the back door and we can't use the password anymore because the Elders' teenage investigator would always find it out and sneak in and play ping pong. So...we use keys now and only a handful of people have keys. So we unlock it for people sometimes. One morning we were doing personal study and hadn't gotten ready yet (Because we live with 6 sisters and can't all get ready at once) when a member called. So we threw on skirts, thinking we'd come right back. But then she invited us to breakfast! We just laughed sitting there eating our eggs, sweet bread, and honey chicken and Ovaltine drinks with our messy hair. 
Was perhaps one of the best days of my life. Sisters Magleby and Briggs were also in charge of stuffing, so we made it together. We were ripping pieces of bread and putting them in trash bags with spices to sit overnight. was all worth it. Our stuffing was amazing. It was pretty funny bringing the food on the MTR. We had Thanksgiving lunch with our whole Zone and it was just picture perfect. So many friends, good food, ping pong, games, gratitude. I just felt like I was with "my people." Sister Johnson and I had not eaten that much food in....the whole time together. hahahha It's a good reintroduction to American portions and food. Anyway, we also went around a circle and said what we were most grateful for in Hong Kong. I said the temple. The Hong Kong temple is one of the few in Asia, and so it serves a vast majority of the world population. It's been neat to see the families that come here and the sacrifices they make. 
I also had my departure interview with President Lam. I will miss President Lam and Sister Lam SO much. President Lam is THE most Christ-like person I have ever met. His wisdom, devotion, and grasp of the gospel is so inspiring. He is always calm and happy and peaceful. Just his being is a good example of the blessings that come from living the gospel. 
So....we also had the Annual Thanksgiving Party for our ward. It's a big deal. And we were put in charge of making a piƱata. (And mashed potatoes. I learned that Chinese people really don't know how to make mashed potatoes)  So after the initial turkey piƱata activity to make it with the primary kids, we had to do another coat, and then we couldn't find paint ANYWHERE and had to buy brown paper and do another coat. And so it turned out pretty hard. In the end, a kid snapped a wooden broom stick on the piƱata and it almost hit someone, and they had to unplug the hole and dump the candy on the floor. I actually didn't see any of this because we had 7 investigators, 3 nonmember families, and some friends of members. It was pretty chaotic. Oh, I forgot, we were also in charge of the 10 minute performance. So, I read a scripture from Alma, all the missionaries bore their testimonies, then we all sang For the Beauty of the Earth, then did the Virginia Reel. It was one of the funniest things teaching the Elders the Virginia Reel prior to that day. They did a good job! 
On Thanksgiving night we went to a YSA activity with our investigator Yui. We watched 17 Miracles, and I realized all the miracles that I have seen on my mission. There are many. 
Transfer calls! I will be transferred to Utah. And Sister Johnson's new companion is Sister Scott!!!! They were in the same MTC group, and I think they'll be a fabulous companionship. 

So...I am trying to be as normal as possible, but I am leaving this Friday. I still haven't come to terms with it, and it has been SO hard saying goodbyes here. Even harder than coming here, because I don't know if I will see some of the people again. I feel like I am leaving another family. 
But, I guess Heavenly Father wants the next chapter of my life to begin, and I have to continue to put my trust in Him. I will share more at my Homecoming, so for now, just a small thought, and then I will see everyone in Utah!
My 17 Miracles...
~1~Learning Cantonese. The Gift of Tongues is real, and it is hard to describe the experience of receiving it. 
~2~Being trained in the prettiest area: Pok Fu Lam. And my wonderful trainer Sister Gomez
~2~Meeting 2 girls from Mainland in waterfall park and teaching them who God and Jesus Christ are as the sun set on the ocean
~3~Teaching Tim and hearing about his Christmas Eve baptismal date
~4~Seeing Daphne testify of the Book of Mormon to a new friend a few weeks after she was baptized. 
~5~Learning who the Savior is and how much I need him
~6~Really understanding and knowing that we are ALL children of God
~7~Hearing Jeung Ji Muih say that she knows God lives
~8~Finding 12 investigators in one month
~9~Seeing Emma's brother and mom support her at her baptism
~10~Giving a Book of Mormon to an Atheist who was briefly traveling through Hong Kong and knowing the Holy Ghost testified of my testimony as we sat in that little bus
~11~Being companions with Sister Johnson. 
~12~Every single time I gave someone a Book of Mormon or shared my testimony
~13~My love for my family growing, across oceans and thousands of miles
~14~Hearing Yui tell me that she will never stop praying and that we helped her achieve her dreams and planning an American road trip with her
~15~Heavenly Father teaching me to notice the diamonds among the pebbles on every path
~16~All the butterflies that I saw and being reminded that I am surrounded by angels
~17~Experiencing conversion.

This has been the biggest blessing of my entire life. I can't say the smallest part of what I feel. I love this gospel. I love Hong Kong. I love the people here. I know God is a God of Miracles. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet, who restored Christ's original church. I know my family is eternal. I know Heavenly Father is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is merciful and kind and patient. I know Christ lives. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Halloween in Hong Kong

The Halloween party was a success! Our investigator did our makeup and....she really, well, did our makeup. I don't think I have ever had so much makeup on my face. We supposed to be Ana and Elsa, but we looked more like their scary Zombie versions. At least it was Halloween :)
We made SO many cookies. We thought quadrupled the recipe would be enough, and it was more than enough. We just laughed as we placed pan after pan on the Hong Kong-sized platers. People liked them though!
We had Mission Tour with Elder Evans of the Asia Area Seventy! It was absolutely amazing!!!!! I don't have my notes, but one of the quotes that I loved is "I don't have a solution for you, but I have a principle." This is so so so important to life! I am thankful for that truth. Heavenly Father's perfect plan includes opposition for a reason. He gives us problems to solve and all the ways to do it. Just remember that the first principle of the gospel is Faith in Jesus Christ.
Also, this week I got sick! I jinxed myself because las week I was thinking how lucky I was that I have never gotten sick on my mission. Thursday I slept a lot and my amazing companion called people, studied, and read me a Christmas book during dinner. She is so so so kind. I am feeling much better.
During Sister Johnson's epic call session, she scheduled a lady named Kelly. We met her on Saturday, and she was so excited to see us again! She remembered the missionary from 3 years ago who contacted her, so we helped her find her Facebook, and took pictures to show the returned missionary. Anyway, Kelly has recently gotten really into this practice called Falun Gong, so we heard a lot about this complex, Buddhist philosophy and way of life. If you think Bible Bashing is rough, try Buddhist bashing in Cantonese. Except Buddhism is really accepting, and Kelly is especially accepting. So whatever we share, they believe! But they also believe in Buddha. She kept telling us "thank your God for arranging us to meet!" I can't really describe that meeting, but I am just thankful we believe in absolute truth and I just love Kelly. 
Saturday was a power day! We met with lots of people and Sister Johnson ate dove! I know I maybe should have, but I kept thinking about how he Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove, and it was just weird, and ya....hahahahahhaha
Yesterday was my last fast Sunday here and it was sad. I bore my testimony and read Alma 29:9, my mission scripture, out of a character Book of Mormon. No ping yam! Granted, I had it mostly memorized, but still! I cried of course. I KNOW the gospel of Jesus Christ is true.

We watched a Face2Face Devotional last night from our USB, and it was Elder Jeffrey R. Holland leading it. In his closing testimony, he shared his three favorite titles of the Savior.
1-Bright and Morning Star
2-The High Priest of Good Things to Come
3-Alpha and Omega

I know the Savior is everything he said he is. I know he fulfilled everything his Father asked of him. I know he lives, today. I am thankful for all the good things to come in the following four weeks here, and the rest of my life as a missionary of Jesus Christ. "He is the beginning and end for me." ~Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, October 29, 2017


This week was filled with....
~Realising Hong Kong lacks regular frosting, cookie mix, and basically anything necessary for a Halloween party that American teenage girls know how to throw
~Finding everything we needed anyway, in a sub-par, very creative sort of way. hahahha No really this is going to be a fantastic party! We have face paint, cookies, doughnuts, candy, games, and music. I personally cannot wait to see Hong Kong parents rocking out to Thriller. (Especially because they love singing and Ls and Rs are really hard to say)
~The Primary Program!!!!!! It was amazing. One family brought 3 other families who had never been to church before! I was so impressed with the kids' preparation and spirit. One song in particular made me feel the Spirit and brought tears to my eyes. They sang Love One Another and on one of the verses, they switched to English. I didn't even realise they switched languages until about half way through the chorus. And they signed it! Seeing sign language made me so happy and a bit emotional. In Pok Fu Lam ward, there are deaf members, many of whom were so willing to teach the missionaries. Even though I don't know a ton of sign language, I love love love HK sign language. It brings everything I love in one: Cantonese, dance, communication, and learning. When I danced in FHE the other week, using the sign for atonement made me so happy....feelings you can only describe in Cantonese and dance and sign language! Anyway, the primary program was amazing. And we got to take the sacrament for the first time in 3 weeks! Typhoon, General Conference, and Stake Conference happened all in a row!
~Last P day was sooooo hot! We went hiking with an investigator for about 3 hours. The view was breathtaking though. We could see Repulse Bay and the ocean reaching out, exceeding in its horizontal expanse the verticality of all the buildings. We then went to the beach after our hike and took about 170 pictures with Yui's tripod. hahahahaha Sister Johnson and I were laughing about how that day we were the people on the beach that we would have made fun of. Yui is a fan of all things 7th grade pinterest. It was actually really fun! #sisters4ever! 
~My adorable companion made me the most meaningful, kind planner cover. It's my last one. I cried when she gave it to me.
~We came up with themes for each of these last 6 weeks. This week's was Be Among the People. We tried to embrace and love the culture and people more than ever. We spent time in the park listening to a 79 year old man playing his homemade flute, cleaning the pier and handing out hundreds of fliers along the way, and talking to everyone about questions we felt would really resonate with the Hong Kong people. This morning on the MTR here, I met Philip and Eerie. Phillip grew up in Florida but spoke Cantonese fluently. I asked them if they were religious. If they believed there was any possibility God existed. And if He did, how He'd communicate with them. Philip said maybe through dreams. Eerie said maybe dreams, but probably through not normal ways. Then Philip asked me how God communicated with me. I can't really explain and retranslate what I said, but I know the Spirit brought to my mind and helped me explain prayer, faith that someone was listening, scripture, good feelings that I know come from God because He created us and the universe, and knowing that He exists because when I follow Jesus Christ, I see positive results in my life. They seemed interested and I sensed an almost tangible light spark in that cool MTR car. Even though I don't often have the privilege of seeing the MTR people again to teach them, Sister Johnson once told me that Elder Nelson promised the missionaries here that the "Questions [we] ask the people of Hong Kong will keep them up at night." When she shared that with me a few weeks ago, I got teary eyed. Sometimes it seems like a drop in the ocean, the meaningful conversations I try to have with people on public transportation. But if I can smile at someone, allow someone to see Christ's name, ask a question that prompts thought and soul-searching, I feel fulfilled. In a small way, I helped one of my brothers and sisters consider eternity. In a place that mortality can seem stifling and like a dead end.
I am grateful that because of the gospel there are not dead ends!
Speaking of which, repentance is why that is true. Sister Johnson and I learned a lot about repentance this week. We are both intense perfectionists. Which makes contentment and happiness something we have to seek, and somewhat of a rarity. We aren't even quite satisfied with our offering. But this week we learned and taught each other that mercy and patience is something Heavenly Father has. Perfectly. And He wants us to develop that as well. For everyone. Including ourselves. If we were perfect, that would be a dead end. We can always get better. And that is hope! Not condemnation. Not being not enough. Jesus Christ is the only perfect person, because he didn't even commit a sin of omission. He literally did everything for all of us. We CANNOT do that. So we can only be perfect in him. I am thankful for that! As Elder James (the previous older assistant to Pres. Lam) said "We are dependent beings. We are mere mortals." 
My word this week was Prince of Peace. I know Christ lives. I see everything around me as evidence of that. It brings everything to life. We can only truly live when we are in his service. He is the bread of life. The light and life of the WORLD! I hope you can imagine how much I am smiling right now standing in the Central Apple store. I believe this!!!!!!!!!!
As you read this, imagine adorable Chinese kids singing this and signing the lyrics...
Love one another
As Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness
In all that you do.
Be gentle and loving
In deed and in thought,
For these are the things 
Jesus taught. 

Kindness is in the way you live. Heavenly Father sent His son to show us how to live, and to live forever in wholeness.

I love you all! Love one another!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Getting "Shot"

What a week! Here are some highlights.....
-We got shot. We couldn't come to the mission home when the nurse was there, so my mission president gave them to us. Don't worry, he's a doctor. Sister Johnson helped me not pass out by reading the letter from my dad we'd just picked up from the mail area. 
-TRANSFERS! We just finished our 9 week transfer! I can't believe all transfers used to be that long when I first came here. Sister Johnson made me my last planner, and it's adorable. I will send pictures next week. 
-SISTER BRIGGS lives with me!!!!!!!!! She is my MTC companion, and her companion, Sister Magleby, is also from our group. We three are so so so happy to be together. I love them.
-We have 2 babies in our zone! They are both from England and very nice.
-We taught a guy named Tom whom we met while moving last week
-We moveddddd! We swapped apartments with the elders, because we now have 6 people in ours, and they only have 3. So we have the biggest, nicest apartment in the mission! It is nice, except....
-Our washer is broken. With all the towels we use to clean trapped inside of it. As far as cleaning is concerned, we have been driving the struggle bus this week
-Stake conference! It was amazing! I wrote down every single word I didn't know in my word book and have like 9 pages. It makes language study so exciting to look them up and ask natives. 
-We took a big bus to stake conference because it was kind of far away (I don't really know why seeing as HK's public transport is amazing) and it was beautiful! The views were spectacular. On the way back we sat next to the bishop's little son, who loves us, and he held my finger the whole way home. 
-Family Home Evening last night! Yui our investigator came and had a great time. We are going hiking with her today. There was SO much good food, and I can't describe how fun it is. People of all ages in a small apartment, playing games and laughing and discussing the gospel...all in Cantonese. My favorite language.
-Last P day we went to Big Buddha. It was seriously the neatest thing ever! We took the cable cars, and admired the view of the airport, all of HK, and the lush green mountains. And of course, the Big Buddha himself. We met Jenny, a girl from Australia who lives in London and works for E-bay. And a couple from Israel, and a mom and son from India. The mom told me about the Portuguese influence of a part of India and how they brought Christianity, and so her family is 4 or 5 generations Christian! 
-This week my word was Our All, from the hymn Redeemer of Israel...
1. Redeemer of Israel,
Our only delight,
On whom for a blessing we call,
Our shadow by day
And our pillar by night,
Our King, our Deliv’rer, our all!
As a missionary, I have truly learned that Jesus Christ is my all. And through loving the people, I have learned that he is OUR all. He is the Savior of us all. In the MTC, I remember singing this hymn and thinking about how he becomes our pillar by night. I thought about how trials help us more fully have his help and rely on him. I don't think I noticed all the subtle shadows of him leading, guiding, and walking beside me before my mission. His hand was so apparent in my life. His hands are always extended in invitation, even though they are scarred. He always remembers me, and I am thankful I know how I can try to always remember him. There is so much meaning in the gospel, and I could go on and on about why he is our all, but the most important thing is that he is there. He knows all, can do all, and has given his all for all of us to be happy, and eventually, to receive all the blessings he and Heavenly Father have.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

No Letter This Week

Golda spent all of her email time corresponding with me about her UVU registration, so she could register for classes. It's hard with such limited time. I'm not much help. It's all complicated and I've never done it before, but I think she has what she needs.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Author and Finisher of My Faith

This week my word was "The author and finisher of my faith." I love that title of the Savior, and it helped me remember that everything is of and through and because of Jesus Christ. Including my faith and conversion and path of discipleship.
This week was Mid Autumn and we got so many moon cakes! It was such fun to see the lanterns everywhere, ask people how they were going to celebrate, and eat LOTS of good food. On Saturday we were invited to 2 dinners, so we had a really late lunch and a really early dinner, haha. The first meal was with members who invited us after General Conference. It was at a posh Vietnamese restaurant and the food was amazing! Seriously, maybe the best meal I have ever had. Then we went to another awesome restaurant with an investigator which was also delicious. 
We invited three people to baptism this week and they all accepted!! So exciting!!! 
Also, I cut my own hair this week. With scissors you should probably not cut your own hair with. Sister Johnson helped me at the end when she noticed it was a bit uneven. I am surprised it wasn't worse, I just pulled it over my shoulders and eyed it and was not very patient with the quality of snips. hahahah But I saved some money! 
We went to the temple this week which was so peaceful. I cannot describe the temple's feelings of wholeness and hope and eternal perspective, but I am grateful for it. 
I also danced this week at Family Home Evening! Last Monday night Sister Johnson convinced me to prepare a ballet/modern solo do go with our spiritual message. So I took our dinner time, chose a Mormon Message for music, and choreographed a few seconds. It was going to be one minute, but I ended up dancing for more than 2, because dancing full out in the church and dancing in our tiny apartment is a bit different. It was so good to dance like that again. I haven't danced in 15 months, and my legs were shaking after! I used a few HK Sign Language signs I learned in Pok Fu Lam for a motif. It was reaffirming to feel like I was using all my talents to do missionary work. I am thankful for my healthy body and my mom who made dance classes possible. 
General Conference was amazing! I loved that Dieter F Uchtdorf said "This is your great adventure."
This life is so exciting! It is our great adventure back home! We all have stories of worth, potential, and joy! And Jesus Christ can be the author if we let him. 
Yesterday we also had a baptism in the ward! The Elders' investigator A-Ben got baptized! About 100 people came to support, including a Seventy and the mission president and his wife. It was so lovely. A-Ben is a big singer, kind of famous in HK, and he sang with a big choir. The choir is what helped him learn about the church. They sang "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus," and Ben had a solo at the beginning. It was so spiritual, especially because what he was doing that day was following the Savior's example and being baptized! I of course cried. The baptism was so good, Ben was emotional as he stepped into the font, and you could see his sincerity and reverence. His friend from Aberdeen ward baptized him. Then Sister Johnson and I were able to share the message of the Restoration while A-Ben changed clothes. The Spirit was so strong, especially as I shared the First Vision. The Spirit confirmed to my heart that Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God. I loved looking into people's eyes, sharing the experience that began a magnificent restoration of eternal truths and of Christ's original church. The Cantonese came and I felt so joyful testifying of things I have learned through personal experience are true. I love Cantonese and the people of Hong Kong.
The church is true!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Goals and Miracles

It was truly a miracle.
A girl had seen our church building before and looked online and found what time it started and came by herself, and brought her little brother! That doesn't happen in Hong Kong! Then after, she was like, When can we meet? Do you need my number?
We had been working on our goal so hard, but we missing 4 people, so before church we walked around a park and invited everyone to church. No one came, but then that girl and her brother came, and a former investigator we had met with earlier came, and our member referral came! The member referral is our member's older sister, who attends another ward. We were so excited! And then we had a potluck after church that night, and the siblings came! A member from another ward even brought new nonmember friends because they were in the area. We got to take a picture together and I used the 4 words I know in Mandarin :) They were from Mainland.
I bore my testimony yesterday and felt the spirit so strongly. I know the church is true. My word this week was the Good Shepherd.
Gotta go! Great week!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Letter to President Lam

New investigators! Both are formers. Sahm Yik Lihng is a student in junghohk and is so busy with homework. We have her address and we have visited her to drop of cookies. She likes missionaries and believes in God, but her faith is not strong enough to make it a priority to see us. She is so busy with school. I have studied a lot on desire during personal and I feel like it is a gift we get as we learn more about the Savior. It is natural to want to learn more, to need more of the gospel, as we see how saving and transforming it is. We just have to get her to have a bit of desire and slowly give place for a greater portion of God's words. I know she will get there, but it may take time.
Jeung Ji Muih is next! She is about 80s, has lots of energy, and loves us. She is very available, and told us once the lift is done in our church, she will come to church with us. Our ward doesn't seem too concerned with helping old people get to church. They want to wait until the lift is done, and I think they've grown weary of it as a concern and problem. But missionaries don't liek waiting! Perhaps we will see if she will ride with us to Tsing Yi chapel where they have a lift. We will work on her testimony of the Godhead first. She has lots of kids that live with her so hopefully we can teach them all!
We had lots of tender mercies this week, especially on Saturday. We were running around and teaching and meeting great people along the way. Too many to explain. But hopefully in the future you will come to their baptisms!
We will have one new investigaotr today and one tomorrow. Yui is 28 years old and a former. She just needs friends. Rose is a referral from Hawaii and adorable and nice. We've only met once, but I think she has lots of potential.
Serena is out of the hospital and doing well. We visited with a member yesterday and it was one of the most spiritual lessons of my mission. The member Connie is so loving, steadfast, encouraging and steady in her living the gospel. She bore simple, sincere testimony and assured Serena that she
wasn't alone and that we missionaries would take care of her. I felt a great sense of responsilibity. It made me want to take my purpose more seriously, or more prayerfully really. Just really see every person as a son and daughter of God, and give everything to serve them. I feel like your training and testimony last week just sums it up: It is hard, But it is so worth it. This is the Lord's work, He is the Lord of the harvest. That's given me a lot of hope this week. And peace.
Sister Johnson is honestly an angel. I know all the tender mercies and miracles so far have been because of her desire to be perfectly obedient and faithful. I know our goal to find 12 new investigators this month is possible. We work together so well and she teaches me so much. We are lately focusing on the language of the Spirit taking precedence over the language of Cantonese. And making our testimonies sincere and powerful and succint. We have learned a lot already. We want to rely on the Spirit, not our lanugage abilities. Which is so important for me to strive for right now, as my language abilities improve and I near the end ish of my mission. I am so thankful I still have 3 months! So much to do!
The ward is great. We taught two families this week on teh Restoration. The Spirit was so strong. I am learning what Hong kong families really need more and more. I want every visit with members to be memorable and spiritual and focused on their own missionary work. The members here truly inspire me. I love the gospel. I know Joseph Smith is  a prophet.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

No Letter This Week

Golda sent some small emails, but no group. Go to to see her companion's blog. She writes awesome letters!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Perpetual Excitement

That was my word(s) of the week. Truly my life is in perpetual excitement! Hong Kong is preparing to cool down, but is still as sunny, sticky, and sweltering as ever. The cargo crate outlets we live near practically glow in the sun, and provide an exciting backdrop to our rush of activities, and the ocean in the distance. One of my favorite parts of the week is taking the MTR to Tsing Yi, where you can catch a quick glimpse of a harbor with bridges, rows of sky scrapers, and a tiny island. It's colorful and buzzing and yet serene.
We made chocolate chip cookies (my favorite food) this week to deliver to people, and visited a family with the last name Cheung. They were so kind! The mother and son were baptized last year, and Sam (the son) is just adorable. He has a little lisp which is a bit unfortunate because his English name is Sam hahaha But he is just so polite and has a beautiful, trusting testimony and a love of The Book of Mormon. We shared a scripture with him and he helped us find the door of another girl we have been teaching. They live on the same floor! Then Cheung Ji Muih spoke in church yesterday about her experience in Institute. It reminded me of all my amazing memories and experiences at Seminary and Institute. I am so thankful for dedicated teachers, and especially the scriptures. My mission has helped me truly love, need, and study the scriptures. I remember writing in the MTC that they had become not only plain, but precious to me, and I feel the same now. 
We had FHE yesterday at a members' home and had the best food ever! It was also Elder Sagala's birthday, so we sang to him. We did versions of Happy Birthday in Cantonese, Mandarin, Malay, English, and Korean!
Our Zone is really awesome. My MTC friend is training a sister from Germany, and I love being in her groups when we read scriptures, because she uses her German copy of the scriptures. Her English is flawless but she is proud of her German and is always willing to answer our "How do you say blank in German?" 
The highlight of the week was a musical performance! Missionaries got special permission to go, if we brought a friend. We went with our church friend Abish, and her 17 year old friend, who has never come to church. Abish's friend is named Priscilla, and absolutely loved the concert!
When we walked into the theater, I shed a tear or two, because I was so happy! I haven't been in a theater for almost 15 months, so my heart leaped and soared as I looked at the familiar lettered seating and golden stage. 
My favorite performance was the Chinese drums. First a solo by a master, and then his teenage troop, which consisted of 6 teenagers. They were amazing!!! It was the hardest thing not to get up and start dancing. I choreographed a number a dances in my head throughout the evening.
One guy sang Bring Him Home from Les Miserables, and of course the tears came. I even got to hear Evermore, from the new Beauty and the Beast movie! And a Phantom song and Pocahontas. A Single Adult choir sang I Will Follow Him, complete with actions, and it was hilarious! And a erhu solo!!!!!!! I was so happy! It definitely motivated me to practice the erhu I bought about 6 months ago hahaha Ah there is simply no time! But I really really love the sound.
We didn't get done with the concert until about 10, and we usually have to be home by 9:30, so we were all exhausted, standing on the MTR after 10:00 pm. We even ran into a Catholic Filipino who asked why we were out so late. We were like, How do you know? hahahaha Don't worry! President Lam gave us permission!
It was truly a wonderful week.

My spiritual thought of the week....
“Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”3 
This is from Henry David Thoreaux, and is absolutely so true! Ever since Nana Ruby, butterflies have become a big part of my mission. Like a symbol of everything I've learned, and a memory of the grace and goodness of my great grandmother Ruby. 
The article it was quoted from is The Gospel Path to Happiness, by Jeffrey R. Holland and I highly recommend it! Just search it on

Even with butterflies and many good "other things" to turn your attention to, I am thankful Jesus Christ will never elude us, and all we need to do to have him at our shoulder, is ask. I know the Savior lives, and he is our best friend. He understands our pain, and he is the only way to find, stay on, and walk the path of happiness. 

We have so many resources to help us on this path, but the One that transcends them all, that is really the most important, is One person. Jesus Christ. He will help us pray, he will help us love, and forgive, and find real happiness. 

I know Heavenly Father loves us so much, and will listen to us no matter what. As we close in Christ's name, I hope we can all remember and feel how close he is. How much we need him and how blissful it is to simply be his friend and sibling. I invite you all to pray to Heavenly Father a bit more personally this week..
As President Henry B. Eyring said: “It is not a matter so much of which words to use. … It is an approach to your Heavenly Father with the intent to be recognized by Him personally. He is the God above all, the Father of all, and yet willing to give undivided attention to one of His children.”
Love you all!!!!
Sister Dopp

Monday, August 28, 2017

Master, the Tempest is Raging

My only advice for future missionaries is this:
Heavenly Father doesn't need superheroes, He needs servants. Sometimes you need the humility to see His vineyard as the life changing landscape that it is. There is work to do, and it is His work. Find joy in the small labor He requires of you. Only you can do it, and it is marvelous in His eyes!

So, this week we had a number 8 typhoon, (8 out of 10, the worst typhoon in 10 years), so we had to stay inside until 3pm on Wednesday and Sunday. I was so sad church was canceled, but it did look like we were underwater on Sunday morning, so it was probably for the best. Other areas were hit harder, especially Macau, where people died. Fortunately, we were completely safe! The worst part was a small leak in the window, and just finding stuff to do to stay busy. We still continued to work, call people, update records, plan, study, and laugh together. Sister Johnson is the best companion in the world. We sang Master, the Tempest is Raging during companionship study :)  Yesterday, it went down to level 3, so we went out to visit a member. She was baptized last year, and is in the hospital. So, everyone remember how we are white washing? I am still not very good at getting around. We took the wrong bus twice, and then finally walked up a long hill toward the hospital. The walk had a breathtaking view of all the cargo crates and ocean here in Kwai Chung. It's bigger than life and makes you feel so small and so powerful at the same time. 
Around the curve toward the entrance, we saw a nurse and another woman burning stuff in a trash can. That and the rain, and memories of horror movies, scared us a bit, but we kept our imaginations in check and continued onward! haha, we found our friend Serena and shared a message on the love and power of God in enabling us to do all things. And about the worth of souls. She told us that she wanted to be taller, and prettier. I am astounded at home universal and real this is for girls! Self esteem issues aren't just in ballet studios and high schools. But these things are so insignificant and trivial in the perspective of the gospel! However, on my mission I have definitely also struggled to look past my frizzy hair, sweaty face, and rice cheeks and see the beloved missionary I am, and then STOP thinking of myself and serve others. It requires effort, but as you study the gospel and accept God's love, it becomes easy. I am just SO incredibly grateful for the lens the gospel gives me. When things are hard and confusing, I remind myself to look through the gospel lens and see what is of significance and what will bless others. They aren't rose-colored glasses, that is for sure, but it does work! 

This week we also read scriptures with a member named Candice! She is amazing and loved reading about Charity with us in Preach My Gospel. She was baptized a few years ago, and has a great testimony and desire to increase her testimony. 
We have eaten dinner with some great member families, and have 4 more this week! We are so excited! Sister Johnson and I are starting a program to help each missionary make their own Family Mission Plan, then share with the Bishop what it is. Then they are making a small family crest focused on the gospel. We will put all the crests on our ward bulletin board, under KWAI CHUNG FAMILY. We hope we can help each member understand their missionary potential and responsibility!! 
So, my mom this week told me "We have realized you haven't told us anything for 14 months! Send more information!" hhahaa, I have also noticed how my emails have not described in detail my investigators' progress, area, or ward, or schedule, etc. etc. I guess because all these things are really precious to me, and all written in my journal, but when it comes to the end of the week, and I reflect on what I have learned, it is always the spiritual enlightenment I remember. Also, perhaps things out of context would worry my family ;) Anyway, I will strive to have a better balance of the real life and stuffy stuff, with the gospel messages :) 

This week really was wonderful! Next month we set a goal to find 12 new investigators! Pray for us!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2017


This week's word was PURPOSE.
We had an amazing meeting in Kowloon about our missionary purpose: Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. 
Because I have been a Sister Training Leader, I was able to give a 15 minute training with Sister Thomson. We decided to talk about being enough. We wanted the missionaries to know that because they exist, they are enough. Life can try to fade away your knowledge of divine nature, but Jesus Christ is there to remind us of our royal origin as children of God, and of the reality of change. So we did a little skit where Sister Thomson acted really rude and vicious to me after teaching a pretend lesson. After it all the missionaries were confused why she was such a horrible companion in the skit, then we told them she actually represented my inner thoughts. We talked about how sometimes we say things to ourselves that we would never say to others. We then redid the skit but Sister Thomson represented the Savior and only read back scriptures in response to my lines. We invited them to replace negative thoughts with the Savior. We then read the hymn Where Can I Turn For Peace and had a discussion on what "Reaches my reaching," means. Then we watched the bible video of the woman with the issue of blood. How all she did was reach out and touch the hem of Jesus Christ's garment, and was made whole. There is so much meaning in that story, and too little time to explain. I just know that we are enough, and that Jesus Christ will recognize any subtle, finite, struggling, small attempt to come unto Him. He loves us. 
Also, so in Hong Kong lots of people where T shirts with nonsense English on them. Then sometimes they randomly have quotes that make sense and that are actually deep in a weird sort of way. I write my favorite ones down in my language notebook. For example...
It's Time For Change
First Deserve, then Desire
Curiosity is the Beginning of Wisdom
A Winner is a Dreamer Who Never Gives Up
Be Silent so You Can Listen
It is Not Easy, But it is Worth It
If Not Now, When?
Kindness is Key
Tomorrow is the Beginning of the Future 
Mrs. Zach Efron (hahahahaha okay this may be an exception from my thought below)

Walking the crowded streets of HK, I then ponder up a whole gospel message based around the T shirt. So, can you guys all do it? How do these random English words relate to the gospel?

Love you all! In the words of a wise MTC teacher "The gospel gives everything meaning."  We are here for a glorious purpose!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Absence of Clocks

This week my word was ABIDE.
First, because I realized that after looking back at my mission, one of the most important lessons I have begun to learn is the importance of hope. Hope is an ABIDING trust that the Lord will fulfill his promises to you. I desperately want that kind of trust in God. It doesn't come in a moment, and it's not easy, but I am learning! 
Another reason is because of the song Abide With Me 'Tis Eventide. I love that song. I know that Jesus Christ has been with me throughout my time as his representative. 
Thinking about this word has given me so much hope! I just think about all the attributes I want to develop, and how I want them to be abiding. I want them to be a part of me. So it helps me have hope when things are hard, because I know long-suffering and time help develop an abiding trust. That is what patience is about! 
Time truly is a gift. It's something that only exists on this earth, in mortality. I am grateful Heavenly Father doesn't have clocks and To Do lists. He sees us in terms of forever, He understands our potential. He is constant and His purpose is all about His children's progression. He knows everything we need. And one of those things is He's given that to us too! So, try to seek God's perspective. Use the time as HIS time. It is precious, but it is there for progression. Heavenly Father doesn't use clocks-We can always repent. He loves us how we are. He accepts us in our weakness. 

So yesterday we went to the baptism of one of my companion's (I'm in a trio) friends from an area she recently served in. So Yan Ching is her name, and she is 17. She is from Hong Kong but attends a boarding school in Mainland China because her mom works full time. Her mother was baptized many years ago, but has since become too busy to attend church. Her baptism was so special. She was so excited, and cried when she saw Sister Percival. I got to sing with some missionaries the primary song I Like to Look For Rainbows. It was really powerful to sing that familiar, joyful song in Cantonese. 
After she was baptized, Yan Ching bore her testimony. She explained how her mom wanted to go to the closest Christian church to their home, but she wanted to find the Church she remembered attending as a little kid. She encouraged her mom to attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She said, through tears, "I wanted to find this Church, because I missed those feelings." Her testimony was so sincere and so powerful. Chinese people don't often get emotional, so I was especially touched. I was just overwhelmed with the Spirit. I know that the things we learn in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are unique and life-changing and complete. Most of all, I just felt that the belief that we are all children of God is absolutely true! I just saw Yan Ching as the daughter that God had been leading, blessing, and pleading with to make it back to Him. Her spirit is strong, and I will be praying she can be an example in China, amidst so much secularism and with no close churches around her strict school. 

I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain
And ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.
I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away,
And I can be forgiven and improve myself each day.
I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.
I am thankful for rainbows :) After the rain; the trials, we see rainbows. We realize the rain was a blessing-it makes things grow, and it cleanses us. And we can see all the colors of the rainbows and understand them. I just love how the deepest, most complicated aspects of the gospel can be wrapped up in one primary song. All that matters is that we are children of God. He loves us and will always be with us. Love you all!!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Changes...and Not

CHANGES CHANGES! No, I am not changing areas. Haha don't be silly! I am Pok Fu Lam through and through :)   End of August is my year mark in this ward!
I am now STL and in a trio! With Sister Percival! She is one of my very best friends here, and I never thought we'd be lucky enough to be companions. But it happened! 
So being a Sister Training Leader has been great so far. I love being able to serve in new ways and receive new assignments and get to know the other missionaries better.
Anyway, so this week my testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ became knowledge. I just know  with everything I am that Jesus Christ lives and that he is my Savior. His presence is nearer than we can imagine, and his love is perfect. I know Heavenly Father is aware of all His children. In one of the church videos I watched a few days ago, one woman said "It is amazing that He can put living waters in broken vessels...." I know that Heavenly Father is willing to use imperfect people, to help other imperfect people. As we humble ourselves and seek His will, we become healed and complete.We may not be perfect, but we will be with Christ, so we will be complete. That has been a consistent pattern in my mission. Seeing weak things made strong. 
Sister Percival shared this with me, and it taught me a lot. In thinking of Christ's visits to the Nephites in the Americas, she thought of his invitation:  "Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprousor that are withered, 
 or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any mannerBring them hither and
 will heal them, for have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy." (3 Nephi 17:7)

We both agreed that there were probably those who were carrying family members with physical afflictions, who were beckoned to stay by the Savior, because they were afflicted too. As missionaries, we have come to know and teach those with mental diseases and infirmities. And we know Jesus Christ would have healed them too. We know he will heal and help our investigators, and that someday they will also be able to physically come to him and find perfect healing. How grateful I am that he has compassion on us. He is merciful. I hope we can always seek his help to offer that same love and service to our fellowmen. We are all walking a hard path. The mountains can be steep, and I testify that what is even better than arriving and admiring the view, is going and helping someone else walk up their mountain. The Savior lives. I know this. 
Sister Dopp

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sweaty and Mango-stained

I am incredibly grateful for the Hong Kong temple. We got to attend the temple on Thursday, and the peace, beauty, love, understanding, wisdom, and light I experienced there was indescribable.
I'm thankful the gospel is true. If it were not, I would not be here. 
Last Friday at English class, the topic was travel! The question of the day was: "If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?" 
When the question came to me, my intended response of Australia or simply Hong Kong!, did not surface, and instead I blurted out "Kaysville, Utah." Now, to be perfectly honest, that is where I would want to go now. I wouldn't have time to plan for a travel buddy to meet me in Dubai or London, and itineraries would be quite disorganized if I left that day! Utah is the only place that would have immediate things to do and arms ready to extend in familiar hugs. *Please no one be alarmed or think I want to come home. I love Hong Kong*
The other 5 missionaries there gasped and we like "No! You have to choose somewhere else!" There humor, quick support, and cheerfulness was so immediate and sincere. I felt a wave of gratitude that I didn't have to choose somewhere else to go that day. That I could be content in being where I was, and that truly when it came down to it, there is literally no where else I would rather be. There are some places a plane, a train, and a boat just can't take you. Being at peace with your life and God's will for your life are such places. 
So this week I also learned that mangoes really stain! I was eating the last bits from a rind, when it slipped and perfectly stamped a mangoheart-shaped outline on the front of my borrowed dress. I washed it and was horrified to find the stain still there as I folded laundry. Sister Milan (who used to do her laundry by hand by her family's well in the Philippines for fun) helped me wash it. But it was a fruitless and fruit juice filled attempt. We got some bleach and carefully used a Q tip to avoid the blue stripes, until Sister Milan tipped the bleach and it spilled all over. With a speed I've never seen her use, she dumped the dress back in the bucket of water and we died laughing. You probably had to be there. We said goodbye to the dress. 
So I am staying another transfer in Pok Fu Lam! 
At first I was disappointed, but like I learned in English class, location doesn't decide joy. We don't need to wait until we get to a certain point (literal or figurative) until we can be happy.
Now I speak to everyone. Regardless of where you live, what you believe, or what you have experienced.
This is where you belong. God loves you. He sent you here to become better. Happiness is available through His Son. 

Things get better. HOPE is real.  Take it from a sweaty, imperfect, mango stained sister in China.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Nana Ruby

Jesus Christ has told us "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
My great grandmother, Nana Ruby, passed away yesterday. She was the epitome of a graceful woman of courage, and bravely endured to the end. She had 100 years of learning, inspiring, obeying, and loving. I feel incredibly blessed to be one of her descendants. Some of my favorite memories with Nana include driving to her house in Bountiful, usually after purchasing a new pair of pointe shoes at Pat's Dancewear. We always seemed to have an audition, performance, or workshop to report back on, and Nana always responded with blissful memories of her own impressive arts career. And of course gladness that we, her family, had opportunities to experience how "wonderful" the arts are. Visits always ended with orange chocolate sticks, and a glimpse of her standing in her driveway waving.
Later, I could conveniently drive to her home near my high school during lunch. I love gaining some much needed perspective from a wise 98 year old. Amid the drama, triteness, and stress of teenage life, Nana Ruby taught me the most important lessons. Kindness, grace, consistency, and cheerfulness.
She told me her dad told her to "Be the highest peach on the tree." That quote has graced my mission desk for many months.
My mother has been keeping me updated on Nana for a few weeks now. Still picturing the healthy, lively Nana I said goodbye to, I didn't realize how serious her condition was. It took me a few weeks to finally type a message that I wanted to be read aloud to Nana. I sent one last week, which one of my friends from my ward read to her. My mom also expressed how she wished she could physically see the spirits that were aiding and comforting and helping Nana during the last few weeks. I responded in a short email, "I can! In the form of butterflies!"
Since the beginning of my mission, I have seen the common Hong Kong butterflies as a heavenly sign of those on the other side of the veil, helping and aiding me. Last P day, they were especially common in a shaded pathway near the shore of a small island. As I walked down the path, I admired the butterflies weaving in and out of the green light. They were beautiful, even regal or divine, yet butterflies are so fragile. It's like all of us. We are daughters and sons of a King, but this life is temporary. I also thought of Nana Ruby and all the wonderful memories I have of her. 
My mom emailed me today and told me she saw a giant yellow (Nana's color) butterfly, then not long after, received a call about Nana's passing. Heavenly Father is aware of His children. He is kind and tender enough to send one yellow butterfly, and knowing and merciful enough to send His Son. 
I am thankful families are forever. God be with you till we meet again.