Sunday, November 5, 2017

Halloween in Hong Kong

The Halloween party was a success! Our investigator did our makeup and....she really, well, did our makeup. I don't think I have ever had so much makeup on my face. We supposed to be Ana and Elsa, but we looked more like their scary Zombie versions. At least it was Halloween :)
We made SO many cookies. We thought quadrupled the recipe would be enough, and it was more than enough. We just laughed as we placed pan after pan on the Hong Kong-sized platers. People liked them though!
We had Mission Tour with Elder Evans of the Asia Area Seventy! It was absolutely amazing!!!!! I don't have my notes, but one of the quotes that I loved is "I don't have a solution for you, but I have a principle." This is so so so important to life! I am thankful for that truth. Heavenly Father's perfect plan includes opposition for a reason. He gives us problems to solve and all the ways to do it. Just remember that the first principle of the gospel is Faith in Jesus Christ.
Also, this week I got sick! I jinxed myself because las week I was thinking how lucky I was that I have never gotten sick on my mission. Thursday I slept a lot and my amazing companion called people, studied, and read me a Christmas book during dinner. She is so so so kind. I am feeling much better.
During Sister Johnson's epic call session, she scheduled a lady named Kelly. We met her on Saturday, and she was so excited to see us again! She remembered the missionary from 3 years ago who contacted her, so we helped her find her Facebook, and took pictures to show the returned missionary. Anyway, Kelly has recently gotten really into this practice called Falun Gong, so we heard a lot about this complex, Buddhist philosophy and way of life. If you think Bible Bashing is rough, try Buddhist bashing in Cantonese. Except Buddhism is really accepting, and Kelly is especially accepting. So whatever we share, they believe! But they also believe in Buddha. She kept telling us "thank your God for arranging us to meet!" I can't really describe that meeting, but I am just thankful we believe in absolute truth and I just love Kelly. 
Saturday was a power day! We met with lots of people and Sister Johnson ate dove! I know I maybe should have, but I kept thinking about how he Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove, and it was just weird, and ya....hahahahahhaha
Yesterday was my last fast Sunday here and it was sad. I bore my testimony and read Alma 29:9, my mission scripture, out of a character Book of Mormon. No ping yam! Granted, I had it mostly memorized, but still! I cried of course. I KNOW the gospel of Jesus Christ is true.

We watched a Face2Face Devotional last night from our USB, and it was Elder Jeffrey R. Holland leading it. In his closing testimony, he shared his three favorite titles of the Savior.
1-Bright and Morning Star
2-The High Priest of Good Things to Come
3-Alpha and Omega

I know the Savior is everything he said he is. I know he fulfilled everything his Father asked of him. I know he lives, today. I am thankful for all the good things to come in the following four weeks here, and the rest of my life as a missionary of Jesus Christ. "He is the beginning and end for me." ~Jeffrey R. Holland

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