Monday, December 19, 2016

The Matchless Gift

What a week. I do not even have words. So much has happened. We taught
Tohng Ji Muih, an investigator from Mainland. She is incredibly kind and so
accepting of the gospel. We taught the Word of Wisdom this week and she
accepted it so quickly! Even though she is very used to drinking coffee and
tea, she said that it was probably not the healthiest because God knows us
better. She came into the lesson talking about some health problems she has
been having, and the Spirit was just so strong as we testified of blessings
that come from following the commandments. I am truly so grateful we have
such specific direction and help to receive specific and needed blessings.
She has a baptismal date for next month!!! And yesterday at the ward Family
Home Evening, she shared that her Christmas wish is to be healthy so that
she can attend church on Christmas next week! I love her so much and am
praying everything goes well and she can attend next week! 

Our recent convert Jeung Ji Muih is doing well. We taught the 10 commandments this
week and once again the spirit was so strong as we talked about ancient
prophets and how Heavenly Father's love is so unconditional.

Today for P day we went to "Lamma Island." It is off of my area, Auberdeen,
and was absolutely GORGEOUS. The boat ride there felt like a dream, the
walk to the beach felt like a Disneyland safari it was so picturesque, and the
beach was straight from a post card! We got special permission to go with
our whole zone, so Elders and Sisters could go together. It was so fun to
spend time as a zone, especially for Christmas.
This week I have really felt the love of the Savior. The other night I was
thinking about my family back home, the many ballet performances I did not
see or dance in, the traditions that will be missed this year, and the Utah
snow. Also the apartment things that needed cleaning, lessons coming up,
personal weakness I would like to work on, Cantonese grammar structures,
and helping the people we are teaching understand the gospel. 

And then I just felt peace. It was instantaneous, yet intensified as I sat there. The
peace came to my heart as I thought about the night the Savior was born.
People were traveling from afar, many grand signs had just taken place,
King Herod was considering sending a decree which would kill many young
children, and the inns surrounding that stable in Bethlehem were filled.
But for the small moment, Mary and Joseph held a child in their arms. They
knew that the Savior of the world had come. The One perfect soul had come
in all humility and love to change a world that was in commotion. To a
world of compassion, hope, and PEACE. It was indeed a holy night. And
because of that one night, two thousand years later, one night in Hong
Kong, an imperfect missionary felt the peace of a perfect Savior. And many
billions of other moments, that peace is felt. And I know we can all feel
that. The Savior is there for each one of us, in a very personal way.
The people before his birth had faith in him. Even faith enough to follow a
small light in a huge sky. One star led them to the Savior of the world.
And I testify that one spark of faith can lead us to him as well. And when
we arrive at that place, that we can say for ourselves that He lives, I
hope we can share that with others. I cannot express my thoughts adequately
about the Savior, but I know He lives. And basically everything else can be
encompassed in that.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
*Sister Dopp*

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Light the World

Sometimes it hits me that I cannot do everything and that the distance
between perfection and me is equivalent to the distance between Hong Kong
and Utah. And that I single-handledly cannot convert all of Hong Kong
Island or introduce Pok Fu Lam to the gospel in one transfer. And it is
joyful and humbling when these moments occur because then Heavenly Father
helps me realize what matters most. It is not what I cannot do. It is what
I can do with the Lord's help. I can have direct communication with God. A
much faster communication that even my communication with my family in
Utah. The commercialness and materialism of Hong Kong contracts distinctly
with the precious knowledge of the gospel that I hold in my heart. It is
like comparing emails to prayer. They are both communication and get the
job done. One is happy and quite efficient and a little convenient. But one
is life-changing, constant, always two-way, and powerful. One depends the
world-wide web, and the other depends on the Creator of the universe. One
goes through Wi-fi, the other goes through the Savior of the world. These
seem obvious and too simple, but it is sometimes how I feel when people
fail to accept the gospel. I guess what I am trying to describe is that
nothing can compare to the knowledge of the gospel. The perspective the
gospel gives is priceless. There is simply nothing better.
We had a pretty busy week this week and hopefully this week will be even
busier! We had zone training on preparation and it was so amazing! We
really focused on how missionaries can "prepare every needful thing" and be
two steps ahead so we can have the Lord's promised blessings and be
prepared whenever our testimonies or help are needed. The Elders ended with
"It all began with a plan in heaven. Heavenly Father understands the
importance of planning." It was just really powerful and helped me see the
bigger picture and connect it to Christ.
We also did exchanges and I got to teach with Sister Yost, from California.
She almost had to go home for a medical surgery, but she is sticking it out
for 2 more transfers and she is honestly such an amazing missionary. She
has taught me so much. We taught Kelly together and it went so well. Even
though Kelly isn't ready to get baptized yet, and can hardly say a prayer,
I am thankful we can introduce her to the gospel and teach these lessons to
someone who needs them so much and has never heard them.
Yesterday we had dinner at a member's and it was so happy. It just felt
like a home away from home. I am so thankful the ward members and this
family in particular are so welcoming and loving. The food was also really
good :)
I hope everyone continues to do the 25 Days Christmas challenge! It is so
powerful! Let's LIGHT THE WORLD!

*Sister Dopp*

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Faith Gives Sight to the Blind

This week has been a week of humbling, stretching, and illumination. I have never been so aware of my weaknesses as I am now, which helps me use Jesus Christ's atonement and further realize how his grace works in my life. I know when we do our best: keep the commandments, remember him, and be kind; his grace will make up the rest. His grace is everything-we do everything through him. And when we fall short, he has already made it possible to still have success and keep going.
We had 4 investigators at church yesterday! We also attended the Auberdeens' baptismal service. A mother and daughter, and another old man got baptized. I am thankful for the greater understanding I have of the doctrine of Christ: faith, repentance, baptism, and enduring to the end. 
I taught a lesson with my MTC buddy, Sister Magleby while our companions were planning a Zone Training. We taught in a member's home in North Point. The member couple was so amazing. Honestly, their faith inspired me so much. The husband is blind and a little hard of hearing. But he has so much faith, and his testimony of the Savior was touching. The wife is so charitable. While she was sharing about faith, she said that her husband has never seen her face before. But they have a happy marriage and he trusts her to guide him and live a sightless life. A lot of people think that faith is blind. But I found out for myself, in a tiny apartment in Hong Kong China, that faith gives sight to the blind. It gives more than sight. The Savior healed the blind two thousand years ago, and today he heals our spiritual blindness, helps us have hope in things not seen, and helps us keep going. We can all be healed and forgiven, according to our faith. And I testify that if we think our faith is weak, we can ask him, "help thou my unbelief" (Mark 9:24) and he will. Our weaknesses can be made strong. Our mustard seed of faith can turn into a mighty tree. And I know that that mighty tree can bring forth fruit, even "fruit meet for repentance." (Matthew 3:8). When we have faith in Christ, we have a desire to follow him and ACT. I am so excited about the church Christmas initiative and theme: Light the World. The 25 ways to Light the World invitation is truly worthwhile and I know it will help us focus on Christ this Christmas season. here is the link for everyone to find it and start participating:
Today is "Jesus healed the sick and so can you." Each day has ideas for how we can cultivate a Christ-like attribute or action. I invite you, yes you! to do this!
Jeung Ji muih is doing well! She got a job and doesn't need to work on Sunday! A small miracle for HK. We have Zone Training tomorrow and I'm sharing about how preparing for lessons during my hour of Personal Study has blessed me and helped me be more prepared to share and explain the gospel. I love Hong Kong and missions! We are so blessed to share "glad tidings of great joy" every single day.
Love you all!

Sister Dopp

Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Cast a Wider Net"

Thanksgiving week! There is simply too much to be grateful for. I am honestly in awe of Heavenly Father's generosity. I am grateful for my family, the Savior, the gospel, my mission, my investigators, music, bright sunshine, my zone and companion, the scriptures, and so much more. I am thankful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. A quote I really liked this week was "Because Joseph Smith was a prophet, we have more than a window into heaven, we have a door into the eternities." ~Craig C. Christensen. 
We also had a tropical storm on Saturday! It rained so hard and was so fun and beautiful! It started at the beginning of a mutual BBQ, which we invited our 14 year old investigator, Kelly, to. We were all walking together, and I was the only one with an umbrella. I held it over her as we walked, and it just reminded me of the protection and safety the gospel can give. I am so thankful I can give that to others, and eventually help them have their own umbrellas (she was on her phone and didn't want to hold it at that moment haha). 
Yesterday was also probably the prettiest day I have ever seen in Hong Kong. The rain cleared out the sky and the ocean sparkled and the boats and trees seemed so vibrant in the crisp, bright air. 
My ward here is starting to feel like family. We reschedule the BBQ to last night in the church, and when Sister Gomez and I arrived, everyone cheered and smiled and said they were so glad we were here. It meant a lot to me and made me feel like I was home and that I was where I needed to be. The small moments on my mission have been the most meaningful and comforting.
This week I thought about the theme or idea, "Cast a wider net." Because this week I studied the New Testament story when Christ beckons his disciples to follow him and become fishers of men. And then they immediately leave their nets and follow him. I just wanted to cast a wider net, or talk to more people, try to make my example reach further, and have more memorable lessons, so that I can be a better "fisher of men" and help more people have the opportunity to come unto Christ. I have so many flaws and weaknesses, but as I concentrate on the Savior and day by day developing his attributes, I am filled with hope, joy, and love. I hope that everyone this week can rejoice and give thanks in that we have a "door into the eternities." Emily Abel, my favorite word to say in Cantonese is "Yehsou Geiduk wuhtjeukge."  Jesus Christ lives. And because he is our Savior, he stands at the door, knocking, waiting to let us into an eternity of joy.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Bitter Will Become Sweet

This week was one of the best weeks of my life! We had a Thanksgiving activity on Saturday, and we had 3 investigators attend! They met so many ward members, and I honestly felt like I was in a Mormon Message, it was picture perfect. They even had turkey and it tasted like my grandma's Thanksgiving turkey! :) Then yesterday we had a Stake "gai yauh jaahm." Which is literally "add oil station." It's like a gospel gas station/chance to renew our testimonies and commitment. We had one investigator come with us, bless a member's friend, and it went so well. Sister Gomez and I sang Savior, Redeemer of my Soul and the bishop shared paintings of Christ by Greg Olsen. They were beautiful! It was really funny because there is one picture of Christ cooking a fish over an open fire near the shore, and the bishop jokingly called it a "B.B.Q." And then in the next meeting, we were all sharing what happened in the individual wards with the stake, and the sister who summarized ours,  said "and here is Jesus having a B.B.Q." You probably had to be there, but it was really funny!!!!!
This week in one of my personal studies I was reading about adversity. Because the people in the Book of Mormon sure had their fair share of them! When Sister Gomez and I sang Savior, Redeemer, the line "and made with sweet my bitter cup" really stuck out to me. Moses 6:55 and D & C 29:39 both are listed as references to adversity in the Guide to the Scriptures, and they both speak about sweet and bitter. And the Book of Mormon also teaches us that "there must be an opposition in all things." 
Even though some experiences here are bitter, they will be made sweet. Sometimes it doesn't take that long. Like me, with looking back at my first few weeks in Hong Kong. Even though all the change and newness was really overwhelming and hard, I look back at it with fondness, because I had to rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so much, and it made my relationship with them much stronger and deeper. A relationship I need now as I teach and do Their work. 
Sometimes it never becomes sweet in this life. But I promise that it will. Any pain and bitterness we experience now is carving a larger capacity to feel joy in the future. Because Christ drank the dregs of the bitter cup, of the most bitter cup, we can feel joy now. We can feel an abundance of joy. And we are promised that we will be made whole. We can have a sure hope that everything will work out for our good. Even in the bitter moments of life, the hope of the sweetness of repentance, of forgiveness, and of hope is always before us. Our cups truly "runneth over." 

This week I am just thankful. I am thankful for my family. For all your support! For the Savior, the gospel, Heavenly Father. I am thankful for His patience. I am definitely not the most well-tuned or beautiful instrument in this work, but He teaches me day by day. I am thankful that He always accepts our small offerings. I am thankful for the Book of Mormon and all those who sacrificed all they had so that we can have it today. I am thankful for the commandments, that teach us the importance and sacred nature of sacrifice. He has prepared a more excellent way, and they are the commandments, which turn our souls to Christ. Love you all!

Sister Dopp

 We sang at a meeting and we wanted to match the Elders.  We said "blue is good," and they literally brought every blue tie so we could choose.  Ha ha

Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Gai Yauh"

First thing is first: I love Hong Kong and being a missionary!!!!
I am so grateful this week for the power of prayer. I know that Heavenly
Father answers our prayers. I can hardly comprehend how many prayers he has
answered here.
So yesterday, we taught 2 girls, twins actually, for the first time! I met
one in Tin Wan while on exchanges, and she brought her sister! They are
adorable and have no religious background, but are so accepting and willing
to listen. Their names are Beryl and Phoebe. We taught the Restoration and
I got to do one of my very favorite things: share the First Vision to
investigators in Cantonese. The message of the Restoration is so powerful
and my testimony grows every time I testify of it and invite others to ask
God if it is true. I love how much of our role is to invite others. We want
them to know for themselves, and we get to direct them to the ultimate
source of truth, love, and knowledge.
So a common saying here is "Gai yauh." Which literally means "Add oil." It
means 'keep going, good luck, you can do it.' And everybody says it! Then
in District Meeting, something we were talking about made me think about
the parable of the ten virgins. When I was in Young Womens, we studied this
parable and made our own lamps out of clay. I kept my lamp by my bed, and
it reminded me to constantly add drops of oil to my lamp. Or in other
words, to add simple spiritual experiences and confirmations to my life
daily. So now whenever I say or hear "Gai yauh!" I think of my testimony
lamp, and how important every single drop is. Heavenly Father teaches us
line upon line, and also promises that by small and simple means are great
things brought to pass. As we add oil to our lamps, the light of the world:
Jesus Christ, can help us have a bright flame that we can use to guide our
paths, and encourage others to do the same. But we need to be in darkness
for a time to help us realize that we really do have the oil, the
testimony, to keep faithfully press on.
I know Heavenly Father loves me. And He loves you!!!

*Sister Dopp*

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week of Diamonds

 Displaying DSCF1035.JPG

This week has been one of those that will influence the rest of my life. As
things in Hong Kong transpire, and the things happening in my hometown in
Utah continue and are active in my mind, an eternal perspective is more
comprehensible to me than ever. I am deeply sad about the passing of a
noble, strong, deliberate, powerful, humble woman in my home ward, Julie Karren, and
surprised and aware of health problems in my immediate family. It makes me
grateful for the Plan of Salvation and the testimony I have of it. These
events have also made me realize I need to be closer to the Spirit. So many
promptings are more like nuances in a fast-paced, crescendoing symphony. It
is difficult to notice and play them, but they are the most important, the
most sublime. Although my weaknesses here in China are magnified and at
times frustrating, I know that the Christ-like attributes of faith, trust,
patience, long-suffering, and humility are attributes I need and
desperately want to develop. Heavenly Father is so merciful to give me the
trials and weaknesses that He does, amidst the excitement, the strengths,
and the outside influences. The path paved with diamonds I spoke of earlier
in these emails is absolutely sparkling right now. I have never been more
aware of the light that causes these gems to shine and beautify my journey.
It is the light of Christ, and as I grow closer to him, seeing the diamonds
is easier and they reflect his light more brilliantly. The light of Christ
is given to each one of us and the pathway back to our Heavenly Father is
already laden with the footprints of One merciful, One perfect, One loving
person. Our Savior.
This week I was able to mention, as I do almost daily, that I have 4
sisters and 2 brothers, and that I have one sister who is adopted from
China. I love telling people about my family back in Meigwok (United
States) and also love telling them about our Father and Brother in heaven.
We taught a 14 year old this week who has had a very difficult life. I
won't go into details, but she has had so many trials I can never relate to, 
and that brought me to tears. I never would have thought she had gone
through these things, or had such a heavy heart. I was again taught that we
can never judge others or assume their happiness. We were able to teach her
again and tell her Joseph Smith's story. It hit me how amazing it was that
a 14 year old's prayer changed the world, and now, in Hong Kong China we
can tell a 14 year old girl about the Restoration of Jesus Christ's church.
We also gave her a picture Book of Mormon book and talked as she flipped
through it. She acts like she doesn't need religion and is not interested
in prayer, but she likes meeting with us because we listen. However, she
perked up and listened when she looked through the Book of Mormon stories.
As she looked, I was singing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" primary song in
my head. We all yearn for stories of the Savior. We are all children of God.

I love this quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "We can all partake of an abundant
feast of spiritual opportunities and universal blessings."
It is from a talk about living up to our potential. I memorized the word
for potential in Cantonese this week, and has been thinking about divine
potential lately. I hope we can all have hope and faith that this is true.
That we can all be partakers of joy and salvation.
*Sister Dopp*

Sunday, October 30, 2016

First Transfer

My first transfer is already over! I am staying in Pok Fu Lam, which I am
so happy about! President Lam usually keeps people in an area for a while,
so I do not plan on leaving for at least a few more transfers. My ward is
amazing and I love being on the island!!
This week we had flu shots, exchanges, and more exchanges. Since my trainer
is also a sister training leader, she goes to meetings to plan Zone
Training and MLC. So I got to go on splits with a sister from my MTC group!
It was so fun! We went finding one day and did Welcome Center the other
day. The Welcome Center is in Wan Chai and has the church's largest/nicest
chapel in HK. It's the international chapel, so they have meetings in
English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog, and Indonesian as well. We stand
outside the doors and pass out fliers, Books of Mormon, and try to get
people to take a tour. Most people are too busy/on their way to work/etc.,
but I love being able to see so many people pass by and offer them
something I know can change their lives. It is humbling as well, because it
is so hard to see people not take the opportunity or know how magnificent
and personal the gospel really is. I am grateful our role as missionaries
is to simply invite and offer the opportunity to come unto the Savior. Then
the Spirit and Christ's Atonement do everything else. I love that in our
church, we invite and exhort people to ask God. Real conversion happens
through prayer. It comes when we address our Heavenly Father in prayer,
have faith in His Son, and feel the Holy Ghost testify of Their reality and
love."For it came to pass after I had *desired* to know the things that my father
had seen, and *believing* that the Lord was able to make them known unto me,
as I sat *pondering* in mine heart I was caught away in the *Spirit
*of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I never had before seen, and upon
which I never had before set my foot."

Last night we shared this scripture, 1 Nephi 11:1 with a member's mother
who is not a member. We talked about how we can really study the scriptures
to obtain personal revelation. We must have a desire, believe, ponder, then
pray for the Spirit to confirm, enlighten, comfort, or testify. I taught
the Plan of Salvation again to our recent convert, Jeung Ji Muih this week.
She had so many detailed, complicated questions regarding heaven, pre-earth
life, and other aspects of the Plan of Salvation. I tried to answer as well
as I could with my simple Cantonese, and my exchange companion answered
beautifully. We explained and testified of doctrines. We do not have all
the answers. But in every single complicated or specific question, an
eternal truth can support and encompass that question and still give our
hearts peace. I think sometimes we expect the answer to an equation. Exact,
precise, and before our eyes: like a math equation on a white board. But
Heavenly Father wants to give us peace, the privilege of relying on Him,
and the opportunity to develop trust and faith and patience.

Alma 24:14: "And the great God has had mercy on us, and made these things known unto us
that we might not perish; yea, and he has made these things known unto us
beforehand, because he loveth our souls as well as he loveth our children;
therefore, in his mercy he doth visit us by his angels, that the plan of
salvation might be made known unto us as well as unto future generations."

1 Nephi 11:17 17 And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless,
I do not know the meaning of all things.

I, like Nephi, do not know the meaning of all things. But I do know that
the gospel gives everything meaning. Everything God asks me to do has a
purpose. My life has meaning. And because I have a Father in Heaven, and a
Savior, I can understand the portion of the gospel that I need. 

Sometimes I can't see the entire pathway before me, but I know it is
there, and it is strait and narrow. And it leads to my eternal home. I am
thankful that we can return to our Heavenly Father and Savior, and that the
way is clearly marked before us. Just like I hope to have a clear,
fool-proof, dependable flight plan to go home to my family in 14 months, I
want to have a path back to Heavenly Father as well. And I do. We all do.
Christ has laid that path. He will walk with us, light the way, carry us,
and bless us along that path.

*Sister Dopp*

Monday, October 24, 2016

Of Great Worth

With each passing week I find that expressing myself becomes harder and harder, and nearly impossible. Heavenly Father is just so aware of us and I am so thankful.
Jeung Ji Muih received the Holy Ghost yesterday and then attended a ward FHE. I feel that we are more like friends now and I honestly look forward to staying in contact with her for the rest of my life! We found a woman street contacting the other day and scheduled her right away, and then she brought her daughter to the lesson! It was such a perfect situation! We taught the Restoration, and she told us her life story. Literally, this woman loves to talk. She said the closing prayer, and I kid you not, it was 20 minutes. I couldn't believe it! hahaha at the end, Sister Gomez said "well she had a long conversation with Tinfuh (Heavenly Father)" hahahahah I am so excited to meet with them again and explain our Father's plan of happiness!!!! 
We also taught three 14-year-olds, who the Elders found and then had us teach. It was a little chaotic, many selfies were taken, and I think they have more interest in the Elders than the gospel, but step by step!!! I thought about Araceli the whole lesson and how I would teach her and her friends. 
My favorite part of the week was in the siu basi (little buses we take to our chapel in Aberdeen) and I started talking to an older man. I showed him the picture of my family, and he held it for about 3 minutes and kept saying " leihdeih hou hoisam!" over and over again. Which means "you are all so happy!"  And it just made my heart soar! I couldn't agree with him more. I just felt like 'You have no idea.' I was so grateful I could bear a simple testimony about how this church blesses families. 
My other favorite moment was, once again in the siu basi, I was pondering life and missionary work, and I just had the district impression, 'There is something within you that is precious to the creator of this universe.' It was a bit random, but came with such force. I started to reflect on how much Heavenly Father cares about our souls and welfare. He created the stars, the seas, the mountains, the elements, gravity, everything. But WE are His masterpiece. His work and glory is our happiness. 
I hope that you all have a great week and remember that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Your soul is of great worth to the creator of this universe.

Sister Dopp

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Our investigator was baptized yesterday!!!! It was the most amazing day
ever. She was baptized after church (we have RS, Sunday School, then
Sacrament Mtg here) and so many members attended and even gave her little
gifts. I am so thankful for how welcoming the ward has been. We even had
another investigator attend church and her baptism! I am so proud of her
testimony and faith. Before she met the missionaries, she heard voices and
didn't like being around people. Now she doesn't hear voices, and she
understands charity so well. Her gospel knowledge and faith is truly
admirable. She is such a strong spirit. I am eternally grateful Heavenly
Father let me meet her and teach and learn from here. My trainer met her
with a sister who is now in a different area, so I am so grateful they
found her in that Hong Kong park a few months ago. It is humbling and
amazing to think about how a simple encounter has changed her life. She is
a different person. The Atonement is real. Baptism is the first step and is
a way we can follow our Savior. I cried when she got baptized and fought
tears as we sang "Nearer My God to Thee, I Need Thee Every Hour, Come
Follow Me and Testimony." And as I said the closing prayer.
One of the most spiritual moments of this week was on Tuesday when we were
walking the familiar path to the bus stop that goes to our church. It
passes this big retaining wall/stone hill with water and greenery flowing
down it. The stone steps had little shards of glass and the sunlight
streamed through the leafs of the trees on the side opposite the wall. All
the sudden the quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf from this past conference
entered my mind, "We tread a path covered with diamonds, but we can
scarcely distinguish them from ordinary pebbles." That quote was just so
incredibly perfect for the moment, and I'm so thankful the Spirit brought
to my memory that beautiful line from an apostle's message to the world. I
looked at the glittering path, and the glowing sunlight and felt so much
hope, joy, and gratitude. It was one of those moments that you feel like
your happiness is like a bubble of joy that can hardly fit in your heart. I
knew that our mortal journey really is a path covered in diamonds,
especially when we have the knowledge of our Heavenly Father's plan of
happiness. I knew that my mission still had a long path before me and that
I had diamonds yet to discover. How lucky are all of us to be children of
such a loving Heavenly Father!?
An older man who works as kind of an assistant to President Lam shared his
testimony with us this past week at Trainer/Trainee meeting this past week.
He has severe tremors that cause even his jaw to tremble, but he is the
most humble, grateful, happy man I have ever met. I loved everything he
said. He served in Hong Kong years ago, before the MTC, before the many
resources missionaries now have. Whenever he speaks of challenges and
trials, he does so reminding us that they are signs of love from Heavenly
Father, and are for our good. I am grateful to see how real that is in his
life-he is an amazing example. Something I really liked that I wrote down
was that he referred to them as "remarkable challenges." Our challenges are
remarkable! They are to mold us into something better. Something more like
our Savior. And in the midst of them, we turn to our Savior with more
purpose and humility and dependence. We need Jesus Christ every hour,
especially in moments of remarkable challenges, surrounded on all sides
with diamonds perhaps now masked as ordinary pebbles. See the diamonds this

*Sister Dopp*

Sunday, October 9, 2016

It Is About The One

What a week! I have been in Hong Kong for almost 6 weeks and I've finished 3 months of my mission!!! Time is flying!
On Thursday we did Tai Chi with the old women in the park by our apartment. They are so cute and nice! I forgot the keys to the apartment, so five minutes later we ran back. They were all continuing with the dancing and when they saw me they literally all starting pointing and waving and ran to the keys which they had brought up to the front. They were so concerned we forgot them and so kind! One handed me them and patted me on the head. hahahahaha I love these people!
General Conference was definitely the high light of the week! 2 investigators came, and the messages were so inspiring, perfect, and beautiful. I absolutely loved hearing the words of God's apostles, disciples, and Prophet. My testimony of their divine callings has increased so much on my mission. The prophets did so much to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ. In the scriptures it says so often that He "fulfilled the words of the prophets" and "in Him is the law fulfilled." How amazing that Christ allowed mortals to prepare the way for His atoning life and that today we have a living Prophet that allows us to belong to HIS church. It is truly led by Him.
Jeung Ji Muih is being baptized next week and I could not be more excited!! She came to Conference, bright and early, dressed in a nice dress and blazer, smiling. My heart soared!! She has come SO far! We also had another investigator attend and the members were so welcoming of her!
Some of my favorite talks were Dieter F. Uchtdorf's in Women's Conference. He shared about how missionaries that taught his wife found her on the very last door of the fourth floor. He shared the scripture "Knock and it shall be opened unto you." And how sometimes the doors that are opened are not the direct answers to prayers, or that the last door, fourth floor may have our answers. We need to have faith and keep knocking. He also quoted Little Prince!! "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to physical eyes."
Bonnie L. Oscarson said "Sometimes we just need a greater view of what's possible." I love that! It also reminded me of Kazuhiko Yamashita's talk about "being ambitious for Christ." We really are capable of so much! Because we are children of God, we have the Savior of the world on our side. We can do all things through Christ, who WILL strengthen us.
I also liked Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk in the Sat morning about not taking gospel truths/plan of salvation for granted. "We tract a path covered in diamonds, but sometimes we cannot distinguish them from regular pebbles." That is so true! Pray to Heavenlt Father to notice the diamonds-the things of eternal weight, the tender mercies, the opportunities to serve, the reality of the Atonement. "We are of the royal house of Elohim, the most High God." This statement gave me chills!

And lastly this quote by K. Brett Nattress that made me cry...
The gospel truly is about the one. It is about one lost sheep (see Luke 15:3–7); it is about one Samaritan woman at a well (see John 4:5–30); it is about one prodigal son (see Luke 15:11–32).
And it is about one little boy who might claim he is not listening.
It is about each one of us—as imperfect as we may be—becoming one with the Savior as He is one with His Father (see John 17:21).

I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. For trials and hardships. For my family and friends. Hong Kong is where I am supposed to be.
-Sister Dopp

 Yesterday at General Conference I was overwhelmed with love. I had my
journal out and writing all my notes, and the picture of the family that I
keep inside it. I thought of my investigators, especially Jeung Ji Muih who
loves me and is getting baptized next week, and the missionaries
surrounding me, united in sharing the most important message of the
eternities with others, and of you guys, my eternal family who mean
literally everything to me. It was overwhelming. Like I literally didn't
feel like I could hold so much love in my being. I now understand Nephi
when he said "hath filled me with His love, even unto the consuming of my
flesh." A little graphic if you read it at first, haha but there is no
other way to describe how completely Heavenly Father's love envelops us! I
also understand how Heavenly Father needs to teach us "line upon line",
because there are things we simply couldn't process, understand,
appreciate, or have the capacity to experience.
I love HK and I am starting to love trials.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

I Love Living in Hong Kong!

I love living in Hong Kong! This week was amazing!!! We taught our

progressing investigator Jeung Ji Muih, and she is committed to the new

baptismal date for October 16th. She is in Mainland right now, which we are

praying will not slow her progression. Mainland has a reputation for making
investigators lose contact or stop meeting with missionaries. However, my
MTC friend is teaching someone from Mainland this week so they can receive
baptism! They've been taught in Mainland, but will receive all the lessons
on the day of their baptism. What a neat experience and so amazing that the
gospel truly is being preached to EVERY ONE of Heavenly Father's children.
We had a meeting with the bishop this week and he is amazing. He wants to
have a new building house in ten years. This is quite ambitious as property
is expensive here, but he is really confident in the growth in the ward.
The ward is amazing and so faithful. Currently, we meet in an "ABBA
Commercial Building" with lots of random companies and even a Baptist
church on the other floors. It is a huge blessing and fine for now, but I
agree that the ward deserves a larger space with more exposure for the
church and convenience for our deaf members and older members. The bishop
is so kind and motivating. He said "I know you are here for only a short
time, but imagine bringing your children to the new church building, and
saying 'I helped them get here. I was a pioneer in this ward's progress'".
That really made me reflect on what kind of influence I want to have in my
area. Missions are forever, and just thinking about telling my future
children about my service here is exciting, as well as a little
intimidating. We have a big responsibility. I am thankful I have this call,
because God will qualify me for it. Everything I can accomplish is because
of Him, and I know that we have the opportunity to bless the lives of the
people here in Pok Fu Lam!
really cool history and is such an amazing place! I truly love the ward
here. I am looking forward to helping families join the church and
strengthen the ward, and to help the YW here. There are only 3 Young Women
and a couple Young Men. I am so grateful to have had the Crestwood Ward
Young Women, which was blessed with so many wonderful girls and leaders.
But I am also so grateful for the YW here who have so much faith and who
are so willing to go on missions and stand up for their beliefs. I can't
imagine not having the strong support group of LDS friends.
Si Mahng, our newest investigator is so kind and humble. I love sharing my
testimony with her and explaining for the first time to her, who Jesus
Christ is, what Heavenly Father's plan is, and how we can make it back to
His presence. I KNOW our message is true.
We had dinner with President Lam and Sister Lam. We were passing out fliers
at the Welcome Center (We serve there 2 hours a week) and they came and
took all the sisters there to dinner. I got this BBQ pork (called cha siu
faahn) that is very popular here, and it was amazing!!! So yummy! I also
tried "Fairwood" for the first time this week and my life will never be the
same. It is so yummy! Like Panda, but way better. It also has really good
cha siu.
Today we did personal study and bought groceries. Then we're going to
Mongkok to shop. I will try to restrain myself from buying every Oriental
good that catches my eye. hahaha
This week I my testimony of the Plan of Salvation was strengthened. I know
it is true. His plan is perfect. It is a plan of happiness. I shared my
testimony that even though right now I am separated from my earthly father,
who is in Utah, I still know he loves me, and we can communicate through
email. Our Heavenly Father is the same. We were with Him at one time, and
even though we can't see Him, He is there and He loves us. But we can
communicate with Him anytime, through prayer.
Just try to imagine never having heard "Plan of Salvation" or "The gospel
of Jesus Christ" and hearing these lessons for the first time. It is
miraculous! It makes sense. It is amazing. I feel like I am hearing the
gospel for the first time, though the eyes of my investigators.
I know this mortal journey was necessary for our progression. I have never
loved my family more than I do now, because the teachings they taught me
are in practice, I realize how much I desire to make it back to their
presence, and their love is not manifest in seeing them, but just in that
we are an eternal family and we are centered on Christ-on charity.

Christ is the Savior.
met stranger in the night, whose lamp had ceased to shine;
paused and let him light his lamp from mine.
tempest sprang up later on, and shook the world about,
And when the wind was gone, my lamp was out.
But back came to me the stranger—his lamp was glowing fine;
He held the precious flame and lighted mine."
- Quoted from President Monson
"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only" James 1:22

Be a missionary, an example, a friend, a listener, a disciple this week!

 I think this is the food Golda described last week.

 Lunch with President and Sister Lam
Lam Lam