Sunday, July 30, 2017

Changes...and Not

CHANGES CHANGES! No, I am not changing areas. Haha don't be silly! I am Pok Fu Lam through and through :)   End of August is my year mark in this ward!
I am now STL and in a trio! With Sister Percival! She is one of my very best friends here, and I never thought we'd be lucky enough to be companions. But it happened! 
So being a Sister Training Leader has been great so far. I love being able to serve in new ways and receive new assignments and get to know the other missionaries better.
Anyway, so this week my testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ became knowledge. I just know  with everything I am that Jesus Christ lives and that he is my Savior. His presence is nearer than we can imagine, and his love is perfect. I know Heavenly Father is aware of all His children. In one of the church videos I watched a few days ago, one woman said "It is amazing that He can put living waters in broken vessels...." I know that Heavenly Father is willing to use imperfect people, to help other imperfect people. As we humble ourselves and seek His will, we become healed and complete.We may not be perfect, but we will be with Christ, so we will be complete. That has been a consistent pattern in my mission. Seeing weak things made strong. 
Sister Percival shared this with me, and it taught me a lot. In thinking of Christ's visits to the Nephites in the Americas, she thought of his invitation:  "Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprousor that are withered, 
 or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any mannerBring them hither and
 will heal them, for have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy." (3 Nephi 17:7)

We both agreed that there were probably those who were carrying family members with physical afflictions, who were beckoned to stay by the Savior, because they were afflicted too. As missionaries, we have come to know and teach those with mental diseases and infirmities. And we know Jesus Christ would have healed them too. We know he will heal and help our investigators, and that someday they will also be able to physically come to him and find perfect healing. How grateful I am that he has compassion on us. He is merciful. I hope we can always seek his help to offer that same love and service to our fellowmen. We are all walking a hard path. The mountains can be steep, and I testify that what is even better than arriving and admiring the view, is going and helping someone else walk up their mountain. The Savior lives. I know this. 
Sister Dopp

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sweaty and Mango-stained

I am incredibly grateful for the Hong Kong temple. We got to attend the temple on Thursday, and the peace, beauty, love, understanding, wisdom, and light I experienced there was indescribable.
I'm thankful the gospel is true. If it were not, I would not be here. 
Last Friday at English class, the topic was travel! The question of the day was: "If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?" 
When the question came to me, my intended response of Australia or simply Hong Kong!, did not surface, and instead I blurted out "Kaysville, Utah." Now, to be perfectly honest, that is where I would want to go now. I wouldn't have time to plan for a travel buddy to meet me in Dubai or London, and itineraries would be quite disorganized if I left that day! Utah is the only place that would have immediate things to do and arms ready to extend in familiar hugs. *Please no one be alarmed or think I want to come home. I love Hong Kong*
The other 5 missionaries there gasped and we like "No! You have to choose somewhere else!" There humor, quick support, and cheerfulness was so immediate and sincere. I felt a wave of gratitude that I didn't have to choose somewhere else to go that day. That I could be content in being where I was, and that truly when it came down to it, there is literally no where else I would rather be. There are some places a plane, a train, and a boat just can't take you. Being at peace with your life and God's will for your life are such places. 
So this week I also learned that mangoes really stain! I was eating the last bits from a rind, when it slipped and perfectly stamped a mangoheart-shaped outline on the front of my borrowed dress. I washed it and was horrified to find the stain still there as I folded laundry. Sister Milan (who used to do her laundry by hand by her family's well in the Philippines for fun) helped me wash it. But it was a fruitless and fruit juice filled attempt. We got some bleach and carefully used a Q tip to avoid the blue stripes, until Sister Milan tipped the bleach and it spilled all over. With a speed I've never seen her use, she dumped the dress back in the bucket of water and we died laughing. You probably had to be there. We said goodbye to the dress. 
So I am staying another transfer in Pok Fu Lam! 
At first I was disappointed, but like I learned in English class, location doesn't decide joy. We don't need to wait until we get to a certain point (literal or figurative) until we can be happy.
Now I speak to everyone. Regardless of where you live, what you believe, or what you have experienced.
This is where you belong. God loves you. He sent you here to become better. Happiness is available through His Son. 

Things get better. HOPE is real.  Take it from a sweaty, imperfect, mango stained sister in China.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Nana Ruby

Jesus Christ has told us "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
My great grandmother, Nana Ruby, passed away yesterday. She was the epitome of a graceful woman of courage, and bravely endured to the end. She had 100 years of learning, inspiring, obeying, and loving. I feel incredibly blessed to be one of her descendants. Some of my favorite memories with Nana include driving to her house in Bountiful, usually after purchasing a new pair of pointe shoes at Pat's Dancewear. We always seemed to have an audition, performance, or workshop to report back on, and Nana always responded with blissful memories of her own impressive arts career. And of course gladness that we, her family, had opportunities to experience how "wonderful" the arts are. Visits always ended with orange chocolate sticks, and a glimpse of her standing in her driveway waving.
Later, I could conveniently drive to her home near my high school during lunch. I love gaining some much needed perspective from a wise 98 year old. Amid the drama, triteness, and stress of teenage life, Nana Ruby taught me the most important lessons. Kindness, grace, consistency, and cheerfulness.
She told me her dad told her to "Be the highest peach on the tree." That quote has graced my mission desk for many months.
My mother has been keeping me updated on Nana for a few weeks now. Still picturing the healthy, lively Nana I said goodbye to, I didn't realize how serious her condition was. It took me a few weeks to finally type a message that I wanted to be read aloud to Nana. I sent one last week, which one of my friends from my ward read to her. My mom also expressed how she wished she could physically see the spirits that were aiding and comforting and helping Nana during the last few weeks. I responded in a short email, "I can! In the form of butterflies!"
Since the beginning of my mission, I have seen the common Hong Kong butterflies as a heavenly sign of those on the other side of the veil, helping and aiding me. Last P day, they were especially common in a shaded pathway near the shore of a small island. As I walked down the path, I admired the butterflies weaving in and out of the green light. They were beautiful, even regal or divine, yet butterflies are so fragile. It's like all of us. We are daughters and sons of a King, but this life is temporary. I also thought of Nana Ruby and all the wonderful memories I have of her. 
My mom emailed me today and told me she saw a giant yellow (Nana's color) butterfly, then not long after, received a call about Nana's passing. Heavenly Father is aware of His children. He is kind and tender enough to send one yellow butterfly, and knowing and merciful enough to send His Son. 
I am thankful families are forever. God be with you till we meet again.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Life is Good

Life is good! I mean it! This week was seriously one of the best weeks of my life. I LOVE being a missionary. I have learned a lot about grace, humility, joy, forgiveness, acceptance, and charity this week. Things that seemed impossible at the beginning of my mission are now being realized and comprehended and experienced. Many of them are simply mountains that needed to be moved inside of me. Things that seemed impossible for me to do, but that through Christ, are possible. These lessons are hard to describe or explain, so for now they will have to live in my heart. But I will try to use them to help others see the light of Christ, and to enable me to be a Christ-like teacher. One video the church produced recently called Hope Works (similar to TED talks) was about being Christ-like. She talked about these ratios: Me+Patience=Christ-like
Me+Hard work=Christ-like
 Satan uses this against us until he gets rid of Christ all together... Me+patience=happy, enough.
But these aren't true! It is this truth...
Me+Christ=patient, charitable, WHOLE
....that is the meaning of the gospel.
We need the Savior. And Heavenly Father loves us because we need him. 
I love Hong Kong. I LOVE my family. I testify that they are eternal.
Until next week!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th

Hong Kong is still a dome of activity and cultures that traps heat and makes it feel like thousands of warm butterflies hug you when you walk outside. So, although I admire the city through sweat and squinted eyes, it is beautiful nonetheless! This week included lots of those little diamonds that Elder Uchtdorf speaks of. Those diamonds that hide in ordinary pebbles.
Actually, speaking of ordinary pebbles, that could accurately describe how I have felt at times this week. Being a perfectionist and a missionary is really, really hard. Because perfection, for me, is like another realm. Drawing from Freestone's love of Doctor Who, it's like perfection lives on another planet and I have to access to the...TARDIS. (Is that even right? I don't know. I told you I wasn't perfect.) Anyway, I know deep down that because Jesus Christ is perfect and loves and changes us perfectly, I don't need to be perfect right now. I have to be patient with myself and have hope. Something I am also not perfect at ;) 
But the scriptures "And we lived after the manner of happiness" and "Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy," have really helped me. The people in the Book of Mormon were not perfect. In fact, the writers often mention their "weakness in writing". But many of them still lived after the manner of happiness. Not the manner of perfection. They aren't robots! They are children of God, like us, who make mistakes. Heavenly Father's work and glory is OUR progression, the betterment of the individual. 
I also read a scripture about having the faith to move mountains and noticed a note I added months ago: "I don't think Heavenly Father is so interested in moving mountains. I think He is interested in moving us to repentance." 
Heavenly Father cares about our spirits. He doesn't care about our accomplishments, wealth, outward appearance, or what others think of us. He sent us here to BECOME. And He sent His Son to show us how. And while we believe in fiercely living the teachings of His Son, and in giving everything to follow his example, Heavenly Father knows it will take time. And He has given us that time. It is a gift. It is a gift to repent, to struggle, to have questions, and to learn. Like the Book of Mormon prophets, the fact that I am "as the dust of the earth" is often very apparent. We really are very humble, insignificant, dependent beings. But we are also divine, cherished by God, and capable of becoming like Him. So I am still figuring out that contradiction, or those seemingly opposite identities. And I am okay with that! Whenever I reach outside my sphere of understanding, I still know God loves me. It helps me stay centered, faithful, and happy. We are living right now, and if we follow Christ, it is after the manner of happiness. I am thankful Christ "reaches my reaching." He really does. I love him. 
Happy Fourth of July!