Sunday, September 24, 2017

Letter to President Lam

New investigators! Both are formers. Sahm Yik Lihng is a student in junghohk and is so busy with homework. We have her address and we have visited her to drop of cookies. She likes missionaries and believes in God, but her faith is not strong enough to make it a priority to see us. She is so busy with school. I have studied a lot on desire during personal and I feel like it is a gift we get as we learn more about the Savior. It is natural to want to learn more, to need more of the gospel, as we see how saving and transforming it is. We just have to get her to have a bit of desire and slowly give place for a greater portion of God's words. I know she will get there, but it may take time.
Jeung Ji Muih is next! She is about 80s, has lots of energy, and loves us. She is very available, and told us once the lift is done in our church, she will come to church with us. Our ward doesn't seem too concerned with helping old people get to church. They want to wait until the lift is done, and I think they've grown weary of it as a concern and problem. But missionaries don't liek waiting! Perhaps we will see if she will ride with us to Tsing Yi chapel where they have a lift. We will work on her testimony of the Godhead first. She has lots of kids that live with her so hopefully we can teach them all!
We had lots of tender mercies this week, especially on Saturday. We were running around and teaching and meeting great people along the way. Too many to explain. But hopefully in the future you will come to their baptisms!
We will have one new investigaotr today and one tomorrow. Yui is 28 years old and a former. She just needs friends. Rose is a referral from Hawaii and adorable and nice. We've only met once, but I think she has lots of potential.
Serena is out of the hospital and doing well. We visited with a member yesterday and it was one of the most spiritual lessons of my mission. The member Connie is so loving, steadfast, encouraging and steady in her living the gospel. She bore simple, sincere testimony and assured Serena that she
wasn't alone and that we missionaries would take care of her. I felt a great sense of responsilibity. It made me want to take my purpose more seriously, or more prayerfully really. Just really see every person as a son and daughter of God, and give everything to serve them. I feel like your training and testimony last week just sums it up: It is hard, But it is so worth it. This is the Lord's work, He is the Lord of the harvest. That's given me a lot of hope this week. And peace.
Sister Johnson is honestly an angel. I know all the tender mercies and miracles so far have been because of her desire to be perfectly obedient and faithful. I know our goal to find 12 new investigators this month is possible. We work together so well and she teaches me so much. We are lately focusing on the language of the Spirit taking precedence over the language of Cantonese. And making our testimonies sincere and powerful and succint. We have learned a lot already. We want to rely on the Spirit, not our lanugage abilities. Which is so important for me to strive for right now, as my language abilities improve and I near the end ish of my mission. I am so thankful I still have 3 months! So much to do!
The ward is great. We taught two families this week on teh Restoration. The Spirit was so strong. I am learning what Hong kong families really need more and more. I want every visit with members to be memorable and spiritual and focused on their own missionary work. The members here truly inspire me. I love the gospel. I know Joseph Smith is  a prophet.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

No Letter This Week

Golda sent some small emails, but no group. Go to to see her companion's blog. She writes awesome letters!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Perpetual Excitement

That was my word(s) of the week. Truly my life is in perpetual excitement! Hong Kong is preparing to cool down, but is still as sunny, sticky, and sweltering as ever. The cargo crate outlets we live near practically glow in the sun, and provide an exciting backdrop to our rush of activities, and the ocean in the distance. One of my favorite parts of the week is taking the MTR to Tsing Yi, where you can catch a quick glimpse of a harbor with bridges, rows of sky scrapers, and a tiny island. It's colorful and buzzing and yet serene.
We made chocolate chip cookies (my favorite food) this week to deliver to people, and visited a family with the last name Cheung. They were so kind! The mother and son were baptized last year, and Sam (the son) is just adorable. He has a little lisp which is a bit unfortunate because his English name is Sam hahaha But he is just so polite and has a beautiful, trusting testimony and a love of The Book of Mormon. We shared a scripture with him and he helped us find the door of another girl we have been teaching. They live on the same floor! Then Cheung Ji Muih spoke in church yesterday about her experience in Institute. It reminded me of all my amazing memories and experiences at Seminary and Institute. I am so thankful for dedicated teachers, and especially the scriptures. My mission has helped me truly love, need, and study the scriptures. I remember writing in the MTC that they had become not only plain, but precious to me, and I feel the same now. 
We had FHE yesterday at a members' home and had the best food ever! It was also Elder Sagala's birthday, so we sang to him. We did versions of Happy Birthday in Cantonese, Mandarin, Malay, English, and Korean!
Our Zone is really awesome. My MTC friend is training a sister from Germany, and I love being in her groups when we read scriptures, because she uses her German copy of the scriptures. Her English is flawless but she is proud of her German and is always willing to answer our "How do you say blank in German?" 
The highlight of the week was a musical performance! Missionaries got special permission to go, if we brought a friend. We went with our church friend Abish, and her 17 year old friend, who has never come to church. Abish's friend is named Priscilla, and absolutely loved the concert!
When we walked into the theater, I shed a tear or two, because I was so happy! I haven't been in a theater for almost 15 months, so my heart leaped and soared as I looked at the familiar lettered seating and golden stage. 
My favorite performance was the Chinese drums. First a solo by a master, and then his teenage troop, which consisted of 6 teenagers. They were amazing!!! It was the hardest thing not to get up and start dancing. I choreographed a number a dances in my head throughout the evening.
One guy sang Bring Him Home from Les Miserables, and of course the tears came. I even got to hear Evermore, from the new Beauty and the Beast movie! And a Phantom song and Pocahontas. A Single Adult choir sang I Will Follow Him, complete with actions, and it was hilarious! And a erhu solo!!!!!!! I was so happy! It definitely motivated me to practice the erhu I bought about 6 months ago hahaha Ah there is simply no time! But I really really love the sound.
We didn't get done with the concert until about 10, and we usually have to be home by 9:30, so we were all exhausted, standing on the MTR after 10:00 pm. We even ran into a Catholic Filipino who asked why we were out so late. We were like, How do you know? hahahaha Don't worry! President Lam gave us permission!
It was truly a wonderful week.

My spiritual thought of the week....
“Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”3 
This is from Henry David Thoreaux, and is absolutely so true! Ever since Nana Ruby, butterflies have become a big part of my mission. Like a symbol of everything I've learned, and a memory of the grace and goodness of my great grandmother Ruby. 
The article it was quoted from is The Gospel Path to Happiness, by Jeffrey R. Holland and I highly recommend it! Just search it on

Even with butterflies and many good "other things" to turn your attention to, I am thankful Jesus Christ will never elude us, and all we need to do to have him at our shoulder, is ask. I know the Savior lives, and he is our best friend. He understands our pain, and he is the only way to find, stay on, and walk the path of happiness. 

We have so many resources to help us on this path, but the One that transcends them all, that is really the most important, is One person. Jesus Christ. He will help us pray, he will help us love, and forgive, and find real happiness. 

I know Heavenly Father loves us so much, and will listen to us no matter what. As we close in Christ's name, I hope we can all remember and feel how close he is. How much we need him and how blissful it is to simply be his friend and sibling. I invite you all to pray to Heavenly Father a bit more personally this week..
As President Henry B. Eyring said: “It is not a matter so much of which words to use. … It is an approach to your Heavenly Father with the intent to be recognized by Him personally. He is the God above all, the Father of all, and yet willing to give undivided attention to one of His children.”
Love you all!!!!
Sister Dopp