Sunday, May 28, 2017


This week we did night working out and ran into some pohpos (grandmas) doing dance in the park. Of course we joined, and soon found ourselves marching, jumping, and stepping to Cantonese "hallelujas" and being praised by old Cantonese women. It was a very happy moment in my mission. Perhaps all my ballet training as a kid led up to me keeping up with the grandmas in Kennedy Town Park.
Today we went to a beautiful beach and had a lovely picnic. Sister Milan is amazing.
Ga yauh!
Ether 12:4

Monday, May 22, 2017

Dismal Dusks

 Sister Milan lived in Saudi Arabia for two years when her dad worked there. Channeling her inner Saudi.
 Golda said, "This is from a really old Ensign article about Faith, Hope and Charity. It personified those attributes and talked about how nobody really likes Hope. But as the author got acquainted with Hope, he liked her company. Hope is knowing, well-acquaintd with grief, with eyes luminous, wet with past tears...or something like that. The author said it better. I also liked it because it reminded me of me, Ruby and Araceli. We support and love each other even though our lives right now are really unique."

When the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was established, the first President, Emma Smith said "We are going to do something extraordinary. We expect extraordinary occasions and pressing calls." And they did! And still are.
Besides my immense gratitude for Relief Society, I love this quote because of the hopeful spark it ignites in my soul. Whenever I read it it feels like watching a marvelous sunrise, or standing at the base of a high mountain. There is possibility, potential, and opportunities laid out before us, connecting the heartaches, disappointments, and failures into a beautiful web. How grateful I am for the trials of night, so that the constellations can shine clearer, for the unknown paths that make my map more specific and familiar, for the heat of challenges that lead me to the living waters, and for the hope of a better horizon. And although I love looking to that horizon, and remembering what may be in store, I think the best part is looking right down in front of me to find footprints that take me there step by step. 
I know that the Savior has been here in every landscape, in every wrong turn, in every dismal dusk, and every sublime dawn.
I am grateful to know that the beginnings I enjoy have a divine author, and that every end continues to crescendo to grander and greater things.

This week has been amazing. It hasn't been the poetic quotes I write in my journal, or the pretty pictures my companion captures on the clear Hong Kong afternoons, but it has been great. I am learning that life doesn't have to be perfect, or picturesque, or explainable even. Yes, I see much beauty in the gospel, specifically the Plan of Salvation and Jesus Christ's Atonement at the center of it. But sometimes utilizing His Atonement, and stumbling through those dismal dusks are not exactly the stuff that missionary weekly emails are made of. There have been tears and frustrations and questions and weaknesses. But isn't that when we find the beauty of the gospel? The moment we can see these mortal situations, and hold onto hope and look to Christ and say "Yes, I expect extraordinary occasions and pressing calls. I expect you to be there with me through them all, and I expect them to lead me to our Heavenly Father." And with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, they will!
There is more to this life than what we can see with our physical eyes. I testify that Heavenly Father loves us and has a plan for us. It's not easy, but it is joyful.
Pok Fu Lam is fitting into that plan so well. Our RCs, Sister Cheung and Sister Hung are doing so well. I have seen how church attendance and The Book of Mormon have cultivated their love for the gospel and their conversion to the Savior. I am so thankful I can see all these things unfold here in this area. It is exciting! Love you all! This week write your testimony in a Book of Mormon, and pray to know who to give it to.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

All is Well

I love the hymns. Like truly love them. And I especially love the hymn 'Come, Come Ye Saints.' Their example inspires me to be better. And I know is, all is well. And why is ALL well? Even when trials come, the day simply isn't long enough, you don't succeed at something, disappointment comes, heaven feels far, others criticize you, or blessings do not come when you feel you need them? How can everything still be okay? Because we have a Savior. "The sting of death is swallowed up in Christ," and so is every other unfair, heartbreaking, and difficult thing. I am grateful we have the promise of a fullness of joy, of feelings that replace and outweigh any bad feelings.

We had a McDonald's Miracle this week that made me realize and know that Heavenly Father is aware of EACH one of His children. I was able to share the Book of Mormon with a woman whose heart was breaking. I knew that my own thoughts, solutions, and testimony would not be enough. How grateful I was to pull a book out of my bag, a book filled with God's words. Of righteous prophets, faithful servants, and obedient disciples. A book that has brought peace to my soul and told me All is well. God is aware of us. Things will work out. I wish I could fill these pixelated words with the conviction and testimony that I have for these simple truths. They are simple. We sometimes take them for granted, we sometimes think they are trite or only true for others. But I promise they work. They are true: God loves us and He wants to help us. He hears our prayers.
My word this week (well, I couldn't choose) was COUNTENANCE and BE HERE. I know that as we strive to develop Christ-like attributes, others will notice our countenance. We can be the evidence of things not seen, but things hoped for. We can be evidence that those that trust in God have a peace in their hearts that transcends anything earthly or anything temporary. Let your light so shine! Share your testimony of a living Savior, who gives his light and forgiveness to anyone who seeks it! His countenance can reflect on those humble enough to look to Him. I promise that as we look to Him, we can live. And we can live and love more abundantly. 
I love this gospel. I know that this gospel will carry us home.
All is well.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Simply Bearing Testimony

Yesterday we had perhaps the best lesson of my entire mission. We met this
girl named Nii in one of the parks in my area. We just chatted very
briefly, and I gave her a card with my name and number. A few days later
she texted me! After a week of trying to call/text each other, we finally
scheduled a time for Sunday afternoon at the church. We invited Daphne (my
friend who was baptized about a month ago) to teach with us. Anders, a 12
year old boy, also wanted to teach with us. He was baptized two years ago
and is the only member in his family. So at 3:00 pm Nii came in, carrying a
backpack literally the size of her. She had just gotten done doing training
for tai kwon do! She is super sweet and works at a Christian elementary.
She wanted to meet with us because she is pretty spiritual, but is a little
confused about specific religions. We shared the message of the
Restoration, and everything flowed so well. The questions she had, and her
understanding of God perfectly led into our message of Joseph Smith and how
we can personally receive direction from God. As I taught and testified, I
felt in my heart the absolute certainty of what I was saying was true. The
Chinese wasn't a hindrance at all, in fact it felt right, and the spirit
was present in an almost tangible way. It seemed the small table we were
all gathered at was exuding a sphere of light upon us all. As us
missionaries testified of truths learned in childhood, Anders testified of
the boy Joseph Smith, Daphne shared about how The Book of Mormon has
changed her life since beginning to read it this past year, and Nii asked
sincere questions about the nature of God, I just felt a peace that this
was the truth.
I am so grateful to be a missionary. I am so grateful that God really does
answer prayers. He hears every single prayer. *But in the gift‍ of his Son
hath God prepared a more excellent‍ way; and it is by faith that it hath
been fulfilled. Ether 12:11*
I know by having faith in Christ, he heals our hearts of sorrow and our
eyes of spiritual blindness, so that we can see that more excellent way.

I also loved studying John the Baptist this week. He is one of the best examples of humility in all of human history. I loved in Jesus the Christ when it says, "He made no appeal to the people through medium of miraculous manifestation." And then in the Bible Dictionary, "But magnificently fulfilled his assignment of bearing testimony of Jesus Christ."
This inspired me to not just expect or desire grand miracles (and by extension quick solutions, grand blessings or fast answers) but to find joy in simply bearing testimony of Jesus Christ.