Monday, October 23, 2017

Getting "Shot"

What a week! Here are some highlights.....
-We got shot. We couldn't come to the mission home when the nurse was there, so my mission president gave them to us. Don't worry, he's a doctor. Sister Johnson helped me not pass out by reading the letter from my dad we'd just picked up from the mail area. 
-TRANSFERS! We just finished our 9 week transfer! I can't believe all transfers used to be that long when I first came here. Sister Johnson made me my last planner, and it's adorable. I will send pictures next week. 
-SISTER BRIGGS lives with me!!!!!!!!! She is my MTC companion, and her companion, Sister Magleby, is also from our group. We three are so so so happy to be together. I love them.
-We have 2 babies in our zone! They are both from England and very nice.
-We taught a guy named Tom whom we met while moving last week
-We moveddddd! We swapped apartments with the elders, because we now have 6 people in ours, and they only have 3. So we have the biggest, nicest apartment in the mission! It is nice, except....
-Our washer is broken. With all the towels we use to clean trapped inside of it. As far as cleaning is concerned, we have been driving the struggle bus this week
-Stake conference! It was amazing! I wrote down every single word I didn't know in my word book and have like 9 pages. It makes language study so exciting to look them up and ask natives. 
-We took a big bus to stake conference because it was kind of far away (I don't really know why seeing as HK's public transport is amazing) and it was beautiful! The views were spectacular. On the way back we sat next to the bishop's little son, who loves us, and he held my finger the whole way home. 
-Family Home Evening last night! Yui our investigator came and had a great time. We are going hiking with her today. There was SO much good food, and I can't describe how fun it is. People of all ages in a small apartment, playing games and laughing and discussing the gospel...all in Cantonese. My favorite language.
-Last P day we went to Big Buddha. It was seriously the neatest thing ever! We took the cable cars, and admired the view of the airport, all of HK, and the lush green mountains. And of course, the Big Buddha himself. We met Jenny, a girl from Australia who lives in London and works for E-bay. And a couple from Israel, and a mom and son from India. The mom told me about the Portuguese influence of a part of India and how they brought Christianity, and so her family is 4 or 5 generations Christian! 
-This week my word was Our All, from the hymn Redeemer of Israel...
1. Redeemer of Israel,
Our only delight,
On whom for a blessing we call,
Our shadow by day
And our pillar by night,
Our King, our Deliv’rer, our all!
As a missionary, I have truly learned that Jesus Christ is my all. And through loving the people, I have learned that he is OUR all. He is the Savior of us all. In the MTC, I remember singing this hymn and thinking about how he becomes our pillar by night. I thought about how trials help us more fully have his help and rely on him. I don't think I noticed all the subtle shadows of him leading, guiding, and walking beside me before my mission. His hand was so apparent in my life. His hands are always extended in invitation, even though they are scarred. He always remembers me, and I am thankful I know how I can try to always remember him. There is so much meaning in the gospel, and I could go on and on about why he is our all, but the most important thing is that he is there. He knows all, can do all, and has given his all for all of us to be happy, and eventually, to receive all the blessings he and Heavenly Father have.

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